maven - 使用 gradle 执行 Maven 部署文件

标签 maven gradle groovy deployment build.gradle

我需要将一个外部 zip 文件部署到我的私有(private) Maven 存储库。该文件将包含我的应用程序版本发布,内部存档将包含我的应用程序的文件结构,包括 jars、dll、configs、exes ......

如何使用 gradle 执行 maven deploy:deploy-file?

mvn deploy:deploy-file 

我正在尝试将外部 zip 文件发布到我的 Maven 存储库:
apply plugin: "base"
apply plugin: "maven"
apply plugin: "maven-publish"

publishing {
    def host = "myhost"
    def url = "http://$host/content/repositories/releases"
    def group = "package"
    def artifact = "name"
    def version = "0.0.1"
    def file = "c:/"

    publications {
        mavenJava(MavenPublication) {
            create('zip', MavenPublication) {
                groupId "$group"
                artifactId "$artifact"
                version "$version"
                artifact file("$file")
    repositories {
        maven {
            credentials {
                username 'user'
                password 'pwd'
            url "$url"

publish.dependsOn build

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* Where:
Build file 'c:\xxxx\build.gradle' line: 18

* What went wrong:
A problem occurred configuring root project 'XXXXX'.
> Exception thrown while executing model rule: PublishingPlugin.Rules#publishing(ExtensionContainer)
   > No signature of method: is applicable for argument types: (org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.GStringImpl) values: [0.0.1]
Possible solutions: wait(), any(), wait(long), any(groovy.lang.Closure), take(int), each(groovy.lang.Closure)

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.



有趣的案例,乍一看并不那么明显。问题是该 block 中的方法( versionartifact ):

mavenJava(MavenPublication) {
  create('zip', MavenPublication) {
     groupId "$group"
     artifactId "$artifact"
     version "$version"
     artifact file("$file")
命名与此 block 中上面几行定义的变量完全相同:
def host = "myhost"
def url = "http://$host/content/repositories/releases"
def group = "package"
def artifact = "name"
def version = "0.0.1"
def file = "c:/"
这里发生的情况是,在发布 block 版本中,版本被评估为 0.0.1,然后将具有相同值的参数传递给它,它会导致:

No signature of method: is applicable for argument types: (org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.GStringImpl)

事实上,第二个参数将是 GString不裸String其次没有call String 上定义的方法groovy 中的类,它接受 String 的实例.
apply plugin: "base"
apply plugin: "maven"
apply plugin: "maven-publish"

publishing {
    def host = "myhost"
    def urlWhataver = "http://$host/content/repositories/releases"
    def group = "package"
    def artifactWhatever = "name"
    def versionWhatever = "0.0.1"
    def path = "c:/"

    publications {
        mavenJava(MavenPublication) {
            create('zip', MavenPublication) {
                groupId "$group"
                artifactId "$artifactWhatever"
                version "$versionWhatever"
                artifact new File("$path")
    repositories {
        maven {
            credentials {
                username 'user'
                password 'pwd'
            url "$urlWhataver"

publish.dependsOn build
$path 也有问题转换。

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