webserver - 网络爬虫在对网络服务器的重复请求之间等待的最佳持续时间是多少

标签 webserver web-crawler





这篇关于 IBM 的文章详细介绍了 how the Web crawler uses the robots exclusion protocolrecrawl interval settings in the Web crawler

The first time that a page is crawled, the crawler uses the date and time that the page is crawled and an average of the specified minimum and maximum recrawl intervals to set a recrawl date. The page will not be recrawled before that date. The time that the page will be recrawled after that date depends on the crawler load and the balance of new and old URLs in the crawl space.

Each time that the page is recrawled, the crawler checks to see if the content has changed. If the content has changed, the next recrawl interval will be shorter than the previous one, but never shorter than the specified minimum recrawl interval. If the content has not changed, the next recrawl interval will be longer than the previous one, but never longer than the specified maximum recrawl interval.


关于webserver - 网络爬虫在对网络服务器的重复请求之间等待的最佳持续时间是多少,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/799239/


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