regex - 如何缓存和使用 perl6 语法中缓存的正则表达式?

标签 regex raku



#! /usr/bin/env perl6

use v6.c;

# the parser may add new operators to this table on the fly.
my %operator-table = %(
    1 => $['"+"', '"-"'],
    2 => $['"*"', '"/"'],
    # ...

# original code, runnable but slow.
grammar Operator {
    token operator(Int $level) {

    # ...

# usage:
say Operator.parse(
    rule => 'operator',
    args => \(1)
# output:
# 「+」

# try to cache the generated regexes but not work.
grammar CachedOperator {
    my %cache-table = %();

    method operator(Int $level) {
        if (! %cache-table{$level}) {
                $level => rx { <{%operator-table{$level}.join('|')}> }


# test:
say CachedOperator.parse(
    rule => 'operator',
    args => \(1)
# output:
# Nil
# one more try
grammar CachedOperator_ {
    my %cache-table = %();

    token operator(Int $level) {

    method create-operator(Int $level) {
        if (! %cache-table{$level}) {
                $level => rx { <{%operator-table{$level}.join('|')}> }


# test:
say CachedOperator_.parse(
    rule => 'operator',
    args => \(1)
# compile error:
# P6opaque: no such attribute '$!pos' on type Match in a Regex when trying to get a value




以下代码在 P6 中声明了一个运算符:

sub prefix:<op> ($operand) { " $operand prefixed by op" }

现在可以使用 new 运算符:
say op 42; # 42 prefixed by op


虽然它很慢,但它可能足够快。此外,作为拉里 said in 2017 ...

we know some some places in the parser that are slower than they should be, for instance ... various lexers relook at various characters in your Perl 6 program, it averages 5 or 6 times on every character, which is obviously deeply sub-optimal, and we know how to fix it

... 幸运的是 Jonathan will work on the P6 grammar parser this year .

DSL 和俚语

  • Brian Duggan 的非正式 DSL 演示文稿 ( video , slides )。
  • Mouq 2014 年要点 Slangs .
  • 拉里·沃尔早在 Switching parsers and Slangs 时的猜测.
  • 关于regex - 如何缓存和使用 perl6 语法中缓存的正则表达式?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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