vb.net - 泛型、接口(interface)和强制转换问题

标签 vb.net generics interface user-controls


Public Interface IMyInterface(Of T As WebControl)
    Function DoSomething() As T
End Interface

Public Class MyCustomControl
    Inherits CompositeControl
    Implements IMyInterface(Of MyCustomControl)

Public Function DoSomething() As MyCustomControl _
    Implements IMyInterface(Of MyCustomControl).DoSomething
    ' do stuff

    Return Me
End Class

到目前为止一切正常。当我尝试遍历所有实现 IMyInterface 的控件集合时,就会出现问题。界面,像这样:
Dim myList = New List(Of IMyInterface(Of WebControl))


myList.ForEach(Sub(i) i.DoSomething())
someCustomControlMyCustomControl实现IMyInterface(Of MyCustomControl)而不是 IMyInterface(Of WebControl) .

我在第二行收到此错误(我尝试添加 someCustomControl ):

Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from 'MyCustomControl' to 'IMyInterface(Of WebControl)'.



协方差是 VS 2010 中引入的一种语言功能,可以解决您的问题。您需要定义您的泛型,以便类型 TOut前面的关键字:

Public Interface IMyInterface(Of Out T As WebControl)
    Function DoSomething() As T
End Interface

When you use the Out keyword, you are using covariance. It allows generics of a more derived type to be used in place of a generic with the base type. So in your case it will allow a IMyInterface(Of MyCustomControl)) object in places where the code would normally expect IMyInterface(Of WebControl)), such as your for loop.

Note that covariance has a restriction. The covariant type T can only be used as a function return value, and not as a parameter into a function (or sub). For example, if the DoSomething signature in IMyInterface looked like this the compiler would complain:

' Here the type T is used as an input param - compiler error
Sub DoSomething(ByVal sampleArg As T)


MSDN 上的更多信息:
  • Covariance and Contravariance
  • Creating Variant Generic Interfaces
  • 关于vb.net - 泛型、接口(interface)和强制转换问题,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17031113/


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