r - 在 R 中,将数据框对角线转换为行

标签 r dataframe diagonal


> df1
   iso3    sex age fert1953 fert1954 fert1955
14  AUS female  13    0.000  0.00000  0.00000
15  AUS female  14    0.000  0.00000  0.00000
16  AUS female  15   13.108 13.42733 13.74667
17  AUS female  16   26.216 26.85467 27.49333
18  AUS female  17   39.324 40.28200 41.24000

> df2
   iso3    sex ageIn1953 fert1953  fert1954  fert1955
14  AUS female        13    0.000   0.00000  13.74667
15  AUS female        14    0.000  13.42733  27.49333
16  AUS female        15   13.108  26.85467  41.24000
17  AUS female        16   26.216  40.28200  [data..] 
18  AUS female        17   39.324  [data..]  [data..] 

df1 <- structure(list(iso3 = c("AUS", "AUS", "AUS", "AUS", "AUS"), sex = c("female", 
"female", "female", "female", "female"), age = c(13, 14, 15, 
16, 17), fert1953 = c(0, 0, 13.108, 26.216, 39.324), fert1954 = c(0, 
0, 13.4273333333333, 26.8546666666667, 40.282), fert1955 = c(0, 
0, 13.7466666666667, 27.4933333333333, 41.24)), .Names = c("iso3", 
"sex", "age", "fert1953", "fert1954", "fert1955"), class = "data.frame", row.names = 14:18)


这是我最终使用的解决方案。它基于大卫的回答,但我需要为 iso3 的每个级别执行此操作.
df.ls <- lapply(split(f3, f = f3$iso3), FUN = function(df1) {
  n <- ncol(df1) - 4
  temp <- mapply(function(x, y) lead(x, n = y), df1[, -seq_len(4)], seq_len(n))
  return(cbind(df1[seq_len(4)], temp))
f4 <- do.call("rbind", df.ls)


我还没有测试过速度,但是 data.table v1.9.5 ,最近实现了一个名为 shift 的新(用 C 语言编写)超前/滞后函数

因此,对于您想要移动的列,您可以将它与 mapply 结合使用。 , 例如

n <- ncol(df1) - 4 # the number of years - 1
temp <- mapply(function(x, y) shift(x, n = y, type = "lead"), df1[, -seq_len(4)], seq_len(n))
cbind(df1[seq_len(4)], temp) # combining back with the unchanged columns
#    iso3    sex age fert1953 fert1954 fert1955
# 14  AUS female  13    0.000  0.00000 13.74667
# 15  AUS female  14    0.000 13.42733 27.49333
# 16  AUS female  15   13.108 26.85467 41.24000
# 17  AUS female  16   26.216 40.28200       NA
# 18  AUS female  17   39.324       NA       NA

编辑:您可以轻松安装data.table的开发版从 GitHub 使用
install_github("Rdatatable/data.table", build_vignettes = FALSE)

无论哪种方式,如果你想要 dplyr , 开始
n <- ncol(df1) - 4 # the number of years - 1
temp <- mapply(function(x, y) lead(x, n = y), df1[, -seq_len(4)], seq_len(n))
cbind(df1[seq_len(4)], temp)
#    iso3    sex age fert1953 fert1954 fert1955
# 14  AUS female  13    0.000  0.00000 13.74667
# 15  AUS female  14    0.000 13.42733 27.49333
# 16  AUS female  15   13.108 26.85467 41.24000
# 17  AUS female  16   26.216 40.28200       NA
# 18  AUS female  17   39.324       NA       NA

关于r - 在 R 中,将数据框对角线转换为行,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27849171/


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