google-chrome - 如何使用applescript在系统打印对话框中点击回车?

标签 google-chrome printing applescript osx-snow-leopard

如果它们适合某种 URL 模式(例如不是给定的一组 URL),我想自动打印 chrome 窗口(没有对话框)。

你可以使用苹果脚本吗?有人可以分享一个例子吗? (我没有 mac,所以我无法真正尝试自己)


set i to 1
tell application "Google Chrome"
    tell window 1
        repeat with t in tabs
            --if title of t starts with "Example" then
            if {"", ""} does not contain URL of t then
                set active tab index to i
                tell t to print
                delay 1
                tell application "System Events"
                    click button "Print" of window 1 of process "Chrome"
                    --keystroke return
                end tell
            end if
            set i to i + 1
        end repeat
    end tell
end tell

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