ruby-on-rails - rails : HOST Header Attack vulnerability

标签 ruby-on-rails security ruby-on-rails-4 nginx


虽然在编程方面可以完成的所有事情都已经完成,但现成的类(如 Active Record)无法预见,但有一个问题我不断收到警报,我不知道从哪里开始解决这个问题。

我在 NginxRails 4.1 后面运行 Unicorn。我不断收到的警报是这样的:

    An attacker can manipulate the Host header as seen by the 
web application and cause the application to behave in 
unexpected ways. Developers often resort to the exceedingly 
untrustworthy HTTP Host header (_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] in PHP). 
Even otherwise-secure applications trust this value enough to 
write it to the page without HTML-encoding it with code equivalent to:

<link href="https://_SERVER['HOST']" (Joomla)

...and append secret keys and tokens to links containing it:

(Django, Gallery, others)

....and even directly import scripts from it:



The web application should use the SERVER_NAME instead
of the Host header. It should also create a dummy vhost 
that catches all requests with unrecognized Host headers. 
This can also be done under Nginx by specifying a non-wildcard 
SERVER_NAME, and under Apache by using a non-wildcard serverName 
and turning the UseCanonicalName directive on. Consult references 
for detailed information.






应用程序 Controller .rb

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
    before_action :debug_headers

    def debug_headers
        if request.env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST']
            request.env.except!('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST') # just drop the variable
    end # def

end # class

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