vba - 不使用剪贴板复制 Word 文档内容 (VBA)

标签 vba ms-word

我想知道如何避免使用 Windows 剪贴板,当您想“复制”Word 文档的多个部分时(在宏中使用 VBA)

为什么要避免?因为我们在服务器上使用 Word,在多用户环境中(我知道它是官方不赞成的)

否则,这可以通过 Selection.Copy 和 Selection.Paste 方法轻松完成。



我终于决定逐字复制。 FormattedText 似乎工作得很好,直到最后一个单词(一些特殊(显然)字符),突然我刚刚填充复制内容的单元格会变成空白。当我增加单元格的数量时,会弹出其他运行时错误,例如您的表已损坏,以及其他模棱两可的错误。不知何故,我从中复制的源单元格最后似乎总是有这些特殊的字符,ASCII 码为 13 和 7。我知道 13 是什么意思,但是 7?
无论如何,我决定用代码 7 复制除最后一个字符之外的所有内容。它似乎工作正常。格式和字段也被复制。
无论如何,整个故事再次向我证明,VBA 编程主要是反复试验的职业。你永远无法确定什么时候会出现问题……除非我错过了一些关键概念的更新……

这是我使用的代码块。这个想法是,首先我们有一个包含单个 1x1 单元格表的文档,其中包含一些富文本内容。在第一段代码中(在宏内),我将单元格相乘:

Dim cur_width As Integer, i As Integer, max_cells As Integer, cur_row As Integer
Dim origin_width As Integer
   If ActiveDocument.Tables.Count = 1 _
      And ActiveDocument.Tables(1).Rows.Count = 1 _
      And ActiveDocument.Tables(1).Columns.Count = 1 _
      max_cells = 7   ' how many times we are going to "clone" the original content
      i = 2           ' current cell count - starting from 2 since the cell with the original content is cell number 1
      cur_width = -1  ' current width
      cur_row = 1     ' current row count
      origin_width = ActiveDocument.Tables(1).Rows(1).Cells(1).Width

      ' loop for each row
      While i <= max_cells

          ' adjust current width
          If cur_row = 1 Then
             cur_width = origin_width
             cur_width = 0
          End If

          ' loop for each cell - as long as we have space, add cells horizontally 
          While i <= max_cells And cur_width + origin_width < ActiveDocument.PageSetup.PageWidth 
              Dim col As Integer

              ' \ returns floor() of the result
              col = i \ ActiveDocument.Tables(1).Rows.Count 

              // 'add cell, if it is not already created (which happens when we add rows)
              If ActiveDocument.Tables(1).Rows(cur_row).Cells.Count < col Then
              End If

              // 'adjust new cell width (probably unnecessary
              With ActiveDocument.Tables(1).Rows(cur_row).Cells(col)
                .Width = origin_width
              End With

              // 'keep track of the current width
              cur_width = cur_width + origin_width
              i = i + 1

          ' when we don't have any horizontal space left, add row
          If i <= max_cells Then
            cur_row = cur_row + 1
          End If

   End If

   ' duplicate the contents of the first cell to other cells
   Dim r As Row
   Dim c As Cell
   Dim b As Boolean
   Dim w As Range
   Dim rn As Range
   b = False
   i = 1

   For Each r In ActiveDocument.Tables(1).Rows
       For Each c In r.Cells
            If i <= max_cells Then
                // ' don't copy first cell to itself
                If b = True Then

                    ' copy everything word by word
                    For Each w In ActiveDocument.Tables(1).Rows(1).Cells(1).Range.Words

                        ' get the last bit of formatted text in the destination cell, as range
                        ' do it first by getting the whole range of the cell, then collapsing it
                        ' so that it is now the very end of the cell, and moving it one character
                        ' before (because collapsing moves the range actually beyond the last character of the range)
                        Set rn = c.Range
                        rn.Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseEnd
                        rn.MoveEnd Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=-1

                        ' somehow the last word of the contents of the cell is always Chr(13) & Chr(7)
                        ' and especially Chr(7) causes some very strange and murky problems
                        ' I end up avoiding them by not copying the last character, and by setting as a rule
                        ' that the contents of the first cell should always contain an empty line in the end
                        If c.Range.Words.Count <> ActiveDocument.Tables(1).Rows(1).Cells(1).Range.Words.Count Then
                            rn.FormattedText = w
                            'MsgBox "The strange text is: " & w.Text
                            'the two byte values of this text (which obviously contains special characters with special
                            'meaning to Word can be found (and watched) with
                            'AscB(Mid(w.Text, 1, 1)) and  AscB(Mid(w.Text, 2, 1))
                            w.MoveEnd Unit:=WdUnits.wdCharacter, Count:=-1
                            rn.FormattedText = w
                        End If
                    Next w

                End If
                b = True
            End If

            i = i + 1
       Next c
   Next r

以下是相关 Word 文档的图像。第一个图像是在运行宏之前,第二个是在第一个代码块和最后一个代码块之间,而第三个图像是生成的文档。

Image 1
Image 2
Image 3


关于vba - 不使用剪贴板复制 Word 文档内容 (VBA),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/461840/


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