api - 为什么 Instagram/用户/媒体/最近的 API 调用中缺少某些用户字段?

标签 api instagram

users/相比,我在点击 Instagram 的 /users/{user-id}//users/search API 端点时收到不一致的结果{user-id}/media/recent 端点。

当我点击 /users/{user-id}//users/search 端点时,您可以从下面的示例中看到我收到诸如 网站bio:


  "username": "kellyslater",
  "bio": "#Whappen?",
  "website": "http://aspworldtour.com",
  "profile_picture": "http://images.ak.instagram.com/profiles/profile_8139971_75sq_1333949277.jpg",
  "full_name": "kellyslater",
  "id": "8139971"

但是,当您点击 users/{user-id}/media/recent 端点时,您可以看到这些用户字段仍然返回,但没有填充(这似乎是一致的, 如果我关注那个用户/那个用户关注我没有区别):


  "user": {
    "username": "kellyslater",
    "website": "",
    "profile_picture": "http://images.ak.instagram.com/profiles/profile_8139971_75sq_1333949277.jpg",
    "full_name": "kellyslater",
    "bio": "",
    "id": "8139971"


  • Instagram API 是否应该返回并填充这些字段?
  • Instagram API 根本不应该返回这些字段吗?
  • 或者它是否按预期工作?


Instagram 在 2015 年 3 月通过发布解决了这个问题; http://developers.instagram.com/post/112826291271/api-bug-fixes


There has been a long standing bug where some endpoints containing the ‘user’ node would have empty ‘bio’ and ‘website’ fields. We have now removed those fields from all endpoints except /users/ and /users/self.

关于api - 为什么 Instagram/用户/媒体/最近的 API 调用中缺少某些用户字段?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25548048/


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