ada - 在 Ada(2005 或 2012)中实现与 java finalize block 等效的最佳实践

标签 ada finalize

Java 有一个 finalize 块,它允许在一个块之后执行一些语句

try {
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
  ... // any code here

Ada 拥有允许实现 的受控对象。敲定 手术
但是没有与 java 中相同的 finalize 块。这对记录很有用,
  • 您将如何在 Ada 2005 中实现这样的 finalize 块(同时保持代码可读)?
  • Ada 2012 中是否有允许轻松执行任何终结代码的计划?
  • 最佳答案

    正如 Adrien 在评论中提到的,Finalize更类似于析构函数。

    要获得近似异常/最终序列的东西,您可以按照这些方式做一些事情( 警告,未编译,只需输入 -- 我们将一起解决任何错误 :-) 另请参阅 Exceptions section的 Ada RM。

    with Ada.Exceptions;  use Ada.Exceptions;
    procedure Do_Something is
       -- Variables and what-not...
       -- In case you have an exception and want to reraise it after you've done
       -- the 'final' processing.
       Exception_Caught : Exception_Occurrence := Null_Occurrence;
       -- You can have some statements, like initializations, here that will not
       -- raise exceptions.  But you don't have to, it can all just go in the
       -- following block. However you want to do it...
          -- If you need to declare some entities local to a block, put those here.
          -- If not, just omit this declare section.  Be aware, though, that if
          -- you initialize something in here and it raises an exception, the
          -- block's exception handler will not catch it. Such an exception will
          -- propagate out of the whole procedure (unless it has an outermost
          -- exception handler) because you're _not_ in the block's scope yet.
          -- Main processing that might raise an exception
          when E : others =>
             -- Handle any exception that's raised.  If there are specific
             -- exceptions that can be raised, they should be explicitly
             -- handled prior to this catch-all 'others' one.
             -- Save the exception occurrence, i.e. make a copy of it that can
             -- be reraised in the 'Final' section if needed.  (If you want to
             -- reraise for a specific exception, do this in those handlers as
             -- well.
             Save_Occurrence(Exception_Caught, E);
       -- Final processing. Everything from here to the end of the procedure is
       -- executed regardless of whether an exception was raised in the above
       -- block.  By it including an others handler, it ensured that no exception
       -- will propagate out of this procedure without hitting this 'Final' code.
       -- If an exception was raised and needs to be propagated:
       if Exception_Caught /= Null_Occurrence then
       end if;
    end Do_Something;

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