Dartlang 语法用 mixin 扩展类?

标签 dart

有人可以解释一下这种 Dart 语法吗?这是在某处记录的吗?

abstract class FixedLengthListBase<E> =
    ListBase<E> with FixedLengthListMixin<E>;


这是声明命名混合应用程序的语法。介绍in the "Mixins in Dart" article .

They are defined by a special form of class declaration that gives them a name and declares them equal to an application of a mixin to a superclass, given via a with clause.


abstract class FixedLengthListBase<E> extends
    ListBase<E> with FixedLengthListMixin<E>{}

技术上的区别在于,在这种情况下 FixedLengthListBase不是 mixin 应用程序本身,而是隐式的、未命名的 mixin 应用程序的抽象子类 ListBase<E> with FixedLengthListMixin<E>

关于Dartlang 语法用 mixin 扩展类?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21552270/


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