polymer - 将 Polymer 应用程序提供给不在根目录下的/path

标签 polymer

所以我想对一个新的 Polymer 应用程序做的第一件事是部署到现有网站上的目录。唯一似乎有效的是部署到 root / .

让我们以 Shop 为例。我愿意:

  • polymer init并选择店铺
  • polymer build
  • Robocopy.exe .\build\bundled\ C:\inetpub\wwwroot\p\ /MIR
  • start http://localhost/p/

  • 你看我在 Windows 上。我认为使用 IIS 无关紧要,因为我依赖服务器只是为了提供静态内容。

    我需要在商店模板中编辑什么才能使其在 url http://localhost/p/ 上工作?


    polymer cli 创建的应用程序假设从根级别“/”提供服务。在生成的项目中 index.html你会发现两条评论

          The `<base>` tag below is present to support two advanced deployment options:
          1) Differential serving. 2) Serving from a non-root path.
          Instead of manually editing the `<base>` tag yourself, you should generally either:
          a) Add a `basePath` property to the build configuration in your `polymer.json`.
          b) Use the `--base-path` command-line option for `polymer build`.
          Note: If you intend to serve from a non-root path, see [polymer-root-path] below.
        <base href="/">
    <!-- ... -->
        * [polymer-root-path]
        * By default, we set `Polymer.rootPath` to the server root path (`/`).
        * Leave this line unchanged if you intend to serve your app from the root
        * path (e.g., with URLs like `my.domain/` and `my.domain/view1`).
        * If you intend to serve your app from a non-root path (e.g., with URLs
        * like `my.domain/my-app/` and `my.domain/my-app/view1`), edit this line
        * to indicate the path from which you'll be serving, including leading
        * and trailing slashes (e.g., `/my-app/`).
        window.Polymer = {rootPath: '/'};
      // ...    

    如果在此 index.html您注释掉的文件 base标记并设置 window.Polymer rootPath类似于 '/0/polymer-test/build/es5-bundled/'您将能够在 http://localhost/0/polymer-test/build/es5-bundled/ 上的应用程序中导航

    关于polymer - 将 Polymer 应用程序提供给不在根目录下的/path,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42090070/


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