regex - Textwrangler grep regexpression 引用?

标签 regex reference grep textwrangler

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我正在寻找 Textwrangler 中使用的正则表达式的综合表格/列表。

谢谢 ;)


here you go



i             Case-insensitive
m             Multiline   : allow the grep engine to match at  ^ and $ after and before at \r or \n.
s             Magic Dot   : allows . to match \r and \n
x             Free-spacing: ignore unescaped white space; allow inline comments in grep patterns.

(?imsx)       On
(?-imsx)      Off
(?i-msx)      Mixed

.             Any character except newline or carriage return
[ ]           Any single character of set
[^ ]          Any single character NOT of set
*             0 or more previous regular expression
*?            0 or more previous regular expression (non-greedy)
+             1 or more previous regular expression
+?            1 or more previous regular expression (non-greedy)
?             0 or 1 previous regular expression
|             Alternation
( )           Grouping regular expressions
^             Beginning of a line or string
$             End of a line or string
{m,n}         At least m but most n previous regular expression
{m,n}?        At least m but most n previous regular expression (non-greedy)
\1-9          Nth previous captured group
\&            Whole match                                     # BBEdit: '&' only - no escape needed
\`            Pre-match                                       # PCRE?  NOT BBEdit
\'            Post-match                                      # PCRE?  NOT BBEdit
\+            Highest group matched                           # PCRE?  NOT BBEdit
\A            Beginning of a string
\b            Backspace(0x08)(inside[]only)                   # PCRE?
\b            Word boundary(outside[]only)
\B            Non-word boundary
\d            Digit, same as[0-9]
\D            Non-digit

\E            Change case - acts as an end delimiter to terminate runs of \L & \U.
\l            Change case of only the first character to the right lower case. (Note: lowercase 'L')
\L            Change case of all text to the right to lowercase.
\u            Change case of only the first character to the right to uppercase.
\U            Change case of all text to the right to uppercase.

\t            Tab
\n            Linefeed
\r            Return
\f            Formfeed
\s            Whitespace character equivalent to [ \t\n\r\f]
\S            Non-whitespace character
\W            Non-word character
\w            Word character[0-9A-Za-z_]
\z            End of a string
\Z            End of a string, or before newline at the end
(?#)          Comment
(?:)          Grouping without backreferences
(?=)          Zero-width positive look-ahead assertion
(?!)          Zero-width negative look-ahead assertion
(?>)          Nested anchored sub-regexp stops backtracking
(?imx-imx)    Turns on/off imx options for rest of regexp
(?imx-imx:…)  Turns on/off imx options, localized in group    # '…' indicates added regex pattern


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