model - Laravel 5.0,无法重新声明类 App\models\Category

标签 model runtime-error laravel-5 redeclaration

我最近将我的项目从 laravel 4.2 升级到 laravel 5.0,并且遇到了几个错误。

我没有在 4.2 版本中定义任何命名空间,但正如建议的 here,



exception 'Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalErrorException' with
message 'Cannot redeclare class App\models\Category' in  

这是我的 Category.php:
<?php namespace App\models;

use Eloquent;

class Category extends Eloquent {

  protected $table = 'categories';
  protected $guarded = array('id');

  // Defining 'Many to Many' Relationship with 'VendorProfile' Model
  public function clients() {
    return $this->belongsToMany('Client');

  // Defining 'One to Many' Relationship with 'Job' Model
  public function jobs() {
    return $this->hasMany('Job');

我在 SO 上搜索了类似的错误,但没有找到。

这是我的 Controller 中在“/”路由上调用的函数。
    public function getIndex() {
    $categories = Category::all();

    $messages = Message::groupBy('receiver_id')
                ->select(['receiver_id', \DB::raw("COUNT('receiver_id') AS total")])
                ->orderBy('total', 'DESC')

    $vendors_ids = array();
    foreach ($messages as $message) {
      $vendors_ids[] = $message['receiver_id'];

    $clients = Client::where('profile_type', 'VendorProfile')
                      ->where('is_activated', 1)
                      ->whereIn('id', $vendors_ids)

    if($clients->count() < 4) {
      $clients = Client::where('profile_type', 'VendorProfile')
                        ->where('is_activated', 1)
    Log::info('getIndex function of PagesController');
    $this->layout = View::make('layouts.homepage');
    $this->layout->content = View::make('pages/index', ['categories' => $categories, 'clients' => $clients]);
    return $this->layout;



这是因为您已经生成了一个 Controller ,然后将其拖到了一个子文件夹中。
您需要将 namespace 更改为正确的 namespace 或正确生成您的 Controller 。

php artisan make:controller Api/CategoryController  

namespace App\Http\Controllers\Api;

(如果 api 是 Controller 所在文件夹的名称)

关于model - Laravel 5.0,无法重新声明类 App\models\Category,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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