sql - 加入两个 Hierarchical 查询以形成更大的 Hierarchy

标签 sql oracle hierarchical-data recursive-query



我还有一个地点表,其中包含层次结构中的城市和地标。该表包含一个区域 id 列以连接到区域表。

    create table areas
  id            NUMBER not null,
  name          VARCHAR2(200) not null,
  parent_id     NUMBER

-- Top Level
Insert into areas (id, name)
 Values (1, 'Europe');
Insert into areas (id, name)
 Values (2, 'Americas');
Insert into areas (id, name)
 Values (3, 'Asia ex Japan');
Insert into areas (id, name)
 Values (4, 'Japan');

 -- Jurisdictions
Insert into areas (id, name, parent_id)
 Values (5, 'UK', 1);
Insert into areas (id, name, parent_id)
 Values (7, 'France', 1);
Insert into areas (id, name, parent_id)
 Values (6, 'Germany', 1);
Insert into areas (id, name, parent_id)
 Values (8, 'Italy', 1);
Insert into areas (id, name, parent_id)
 Values (9, 'US', 2);
Insert into areas (id, name, parent_id)
 Values (10, 'Australia', 3);
Insert into areas (id, name, parent_id)
 Values (11, 'New Zealand', 3);

create table places
  id            NUMBER not null,
  name          VARCHAR2(200) not null,
  area_id       NUMBER,
  parent_id     NUMBER

Insert into places (id, name, area_id, parent_id)
 Values (1, 'London', 5, NULL);
Insert into places (id, name, area_id, parent_id)
 Values (2, 'Bath', 5, NULL);
Insert into places (id, name, area_id, parent_id)
 Values (3, 'Liverpool', 5, NULL);
Insert into places (id, name, area_id, parent_id)
 Values (4, 'Paris', 7, NULL);
Insert into places (id, name, area_id, parent_id)
 Values (5, 'New York', 9, NULL);
Insert into places (id, name, area_id, parent_id)
 Values (6, 'Chicago', 9, NULL);
Insert into places (id, name, area_id, parent_id)
 Values (7, 'Kings Cross', 5, 1);
Insert into places (id, name, area_id, parent_id)
 Values (8, 'Tower of London', 5, 1);

 SELECT a.*, level FROM areas a
start with parent_id is null
connect by prior id = parent_id

SELECT p.*, level FROM places p
start with parent_id is null
connect by prior id = parent_id

有人能够向我展示将这些加入一个具有四个级别的查询的最后一步吗?我已经与 Oracle 合作多年,但不知何故从未出现过!

如果在places 表中没有connect by 之前,只有一个带有区域ID 的城市列表,这会更容易吗?




with src as (
  select 'A' type, a.id, a.name, a.parent_id, null area_id from areas a
  union all
  select 'P', -p.id id, p.name, -p.parent_id parent_id, area_id from places p)
  src.*, level
start with 
  type = 'A' and parent_id is null
connect by 
  parent_id = prior id or 
  parent_id is null and area_id = prior id

关于sql - 加入两个 Hierarchical 查询以形成更大的 Hierarchy,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29794055/


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