function - 如何使用 F# 获取作为参数进入函数的变量的名称?

标签 function f# parameters quotations

F# 中有什么方法可以获取传递给函数的变量的名称吗?


let velocity = 5
let fn v = v.ParentName
let name = fn velocity // this would return "velocity" as a string



type Test() =
  let getName (e:Quotations.Expr) =
    match e with
      | Quotations.Patterns.PropertyGet (_, pi, _) -> pi.Name + " property"
      | Quotations.Patterns.Value(a) -> failwith "Value matched"
      | _ -> failwith "other matched"
  member x.plot v = v |> getName |> printfn "%s"

let o = new Test()

let display () =
  let variable = 5.
  o.plot <@ variable @>

let runTheCode fn = fn()

runTheCode display


为了完成 Marcelo 的回答,是的,您可以为此任务使用引号:

open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations.Patterns

let velocity = 5

let fn (e:Expr) =
  match e with
    | PropertyGet (e, pi, li) -> pi.Name
    | _ -> failwith "not a let-bound value"

let name = fn <@velocity@> 

printfn "%s" name
正如您在代码中看到的那样,F# let-bound 顶部定义值(函数或变量)被实现为类的属性。
我再也找不到显示如何使用 C# 以功能方式重写一段 F# 代码的链接。看到代码,很明显为什么需要 PropertyGet图案。
现在如果你也想计算表达式,你需要安装 F# powerpack和引用 FSharp.PowerPack.Linq在你的项目中。
它添加了 EvalUntyped Expr上的方法类(class)..
open Microsoft.FSharp.Linq.QuotationEvaluation

let velocity = 5

let fn (e:Expr) =
  match e with
    | PropertyGet (eo, pi, li) -> pi.Name, e.EvalUntyped
    | _ -> failwith "not a let-bound value"

let name, value = fn <@velocity@> 

printfn "%s %A" name value
let velocity = 5

type Foo () =
  member this.Bar (x:int) (y:single) = x * x + int y

let extractCallExprBody expr =
  let rec aux (l, uexpr) =
    match uexpr with
     | Lambda (var, body) -> aux (var::l, body)
     | _ -> uexpr
  aux ([], expr)

let rec fn (e:Expr) =
  match e with
    | PropertyGet (e, pi, li) -> pi.Name
    | Call (e, mi, li) -> mi.Name
    | x -> extractCallExprBody x |> fn
    | _ -> failwith "not a valid pattern"

let name = fn <@velocity@> 
printfn "%s" name

let foo = new Foo()

let methodName = fn <@foo.Bar@>
printfn "%s" methodName
只是回到显示 EvalUntyped 用法的代码片段。 ,您可以为 Expr 添加显式类型参数如果您想要/需要保持类型安全,请使用向下转换 ( :?> ):
let fn (e:Expr<'T>) = 
  match e with
    | PropertyGet (eo, pi, li) -> pi.Name, (e.EvalUntyped() :?> 'T)
    | _ -> failwith "not a let-bound value"
let name, value = fn <@velocity@> //value has type int here
printfn "%s %d" name value

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