web - 网站的 A/B 测试是什么意思?

标签 web usability accessibility

请解释(举例)网站 A/B 测试的含义。


在网站的上下文中,这意味着网站/webapp 的某些用户获得 修改版本,并验证与基线“控制”版本相比,每次修改如何影响可用性/用户的行为。

与 A/B 测试一样,这是一种统计技术,您需要足够大的样本来正确评估变化的影响。

这是由亚马逊和谷歌完成的among well known web companies .

一篇关于网络 A/B 测试的非常好的文章(从营销角度)是:http://www.clickz.com/3349901

为了完整起见,以下是维基百科的完整 A/B 测试定义:

A/B testing or bucket testing is a method of marketing testing by which a baseline control sample is compared to a variety of single-variable test samples in order to improve response rates. A classic direct mail tactic, this method has been recently adopted within the interactive space to test tactics such as banner ads, emails and landing pages.

Significant improvements can be seen through testing elements like copy text, layouts, images and colors. However, not all elements produce the same improvements, and by looking at the results from different tests, it is possible to identify those elements that consistently tend to produce the greatest improvements.

Employers of this A/B testing method will distribute multiple samples of a test, including the control, to see which single variable is most effective in increasing a response rate or other desired outcome. The test, in order to be effective, must reach an audience of a sufficient size that there is a reasonable chance of detecting a meaningful difference between the control and other tactics

关于web - 网站的 A/B 测试是什么意思?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3002959/


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