clang - 如何获取Clang支持的标准列表?

标签 clang


       Specify the language standard to compile for.

       Same as -std=c89.

clang -std=??? test.c


检查此文件: llvm.git/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/LangStandards.def
online version from github

// C++ modes
LANGSTANDARD(cxx98, "c++98",
             "ISO C++ 1998 with amendments",
             LineComment | CPlusPlus | Digraphs)
LANGSTANDARD(cxx03, "c++03",
             "ISO C++ 1998 with amendments",
             LineComment | CPlusPlus | Digraphs)
LANGSTANDARD(gnucxx98, "gnu++98",
             "ISO C++ 1998 with amendments and GNU extensions",
             LineComment | CPlusPlus | Digraphs | GNUMode)

LANGSTANDARD(cxx0x, "c++0x",
             "ISO C++ 2011 with amendments",
             LineComment | CPlusPlus | CPlusPlus11 | Digraphs)
LANGSTANDARD(cxx11, "c++11",
             "ISO C++ 2011 with amendments",
             LineComment | CPlusPlus | CPlusPlus11 | Digraphs)
LANGSTANDARD(gnucxx0x, "gnu++0x",
             "ISO C++ 2011 with amendments and GNU extensions",
             LineComment | CPlusPlus | CPlusPlus11 | Digraphs | GNUMode)
LANGSTANDARD(gnucxx11, "gnu++11",
             "ISO C++ 2011 with amendments and GNU extensions",
             LineComment | CPlusPlus | CPlusPlus11 | Digraphs | GNUMode)

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