android - edittext 中禁用文本的 android 默认颜色是什么?

标签 android android-edittext textcolor

我想将 EditText 中的提示颜色设置为禁用的文本颜色。所以我正在使用 android:textColorHint 属性。但我不知道该怎么做:

android:textColorHint="@android:color/???"     // what should I select?
android:textColorHint="?android:attr/???"      // what should I select?

编辑:我可以在值中定义相同的颜色,但我想引用它来处理 future 的变化。



For dark text on light backgrounds, apply the following opacity levels:

The most important text has an opacity of 87%.
Secondary text, which is lower in the visual hierarchy, has an opacity of 54%.
Text hints (like those in text fields and labels) and disabled text have even lower visual prominence with an opacity of 38%.

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