terraform - 如何从另一个资源中的计数资源访问属性?

标签 terraform

我正在使用 Terraform 编写 AWS 构建脚本。我正在跨多个可用区启动多个实例,在本例中为 2:

resource "aws_instance" "myinstance" {
    count                   = 2
    ami                     = "${var.myamiid}"
    instance_type           = "${var.instancetype}"
    availability_zone       = "${data.aws_availability_zones.all.names[count.index]}"
    # other details omitted for brevity

我现在需要为这些实例分配一个弹性 IP,以便我可以在将来重建这些实例而不更改它们的 IP 地址。下面显示了我想做的事情:
resource "aws_eip" "elastic_ips" {
    count    = 2
    instance = "${aws_instance.myinstance[count.index].id}"
    vpc      = true


expected "}" but found "."

我也试过使用 lookup :
instance = "${lookup(aws_instance.sbc, count.index).id}"


如何将弹性 IP 附加到这些实例?


请通过terraform interpolation - element list index

element(list, index) - Returns a single element from a list at the given index. If the index is greater than the number of elements, this function will wrap using a standard mod algorithm. This function only works on flat lists. Examples:

element(aws_subnet.foo.*.id, count.index)

instance = "${element(aws_instance.myinstance.*.id, count.index}"

关于terraform - 如何从另一个资源中的计数资源访问属性?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44679456/


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