Scala:指定公共(public)方法覆盖 protected 方法

标签 scala methods overriding clone protected

我正在写 trait应该指定方法clone返回 CloneResult ,这样:

trait TraitWithClone extends Cloneable {
  def clone: CloneResult

这里的意图是收紧 java.lang.Object 的返回类型的clone()对这个界面有用的东西。但是,当我尝试编译它时,我得到:

error: overriding method clone in trait View2 of type ()CloneResult; method clone in class Object of type ()java.lang.Object has weaker access privileges; it should be public; (Note that method clone in trait View2 of type ()CloneResult is abstract, and is therefore overridden by concrete method clone in class Object of type ()java.lang.Object)

我如何要求实现是 public ,当 Scala 没有关键字时?我知道我可以做到:
trait TraitWithClone extends Cloneable {
  override def clone = cloneImpl
  protected def cloneImpl: CloneResult



这是错误消息的重要部分:“因此被 Object 类中的具体方法克隆覆盖”。

您应该提供 clone 的实现你的特质中的方法。这并不理想,但这是您自 clone 以来必须做的事情是 Object 上的具体方法.

trait TraitWithClone extends Cloneable {
  override def clone: CloneResult = throw new CloneNotSupportedException

class Foo extends Cloneable {
  override def clone: Foo = super.clone.asInstanceOf[Foo]

scala> new Foo
res0: Foo = Foo@28cc5c6c

scala> res2.clone
res1: Foo = Foo@7ca9bd

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