boost-spirit - Boost Spirit X3 量产准备好了吗?

标签 boost-spirit boost-spirit-qi boost-spirit-x3

我正在将一个手写解析器迁移到 Boost.Spirit (2.5.4)。第一印象是积极的,但由于我使用的是 C++17,X3 似乎是一个非常有吸引力的选择。

幸运的是,有很多关于 X3 的可用资源:

  • 许多questions about X3 on Stackoverflow
  • 一些vidéos about X3 on YouTube
  • 一个 documentation on line

  • 然而:
  • Boost.Org 上什么都没有,这给人的印象是,虽然 Spirit X3 是 Boost 的一部分,但它更像是一个偷渡者而不是头等舱乘客
  • 截至今天,似乎 development 2014 年 6 月停止

  • 所以我很担心:X3 是一个不错的选择吗?不仅是维护,而且与它的前身相比,它是否拥有它的 promise ?


  • Where is boost-spirit 3? Is it abandoned?
  • How future-safe is it to write a parser with Boost Spirit X3?
  • 最佳答案

    Spirit X3 正在生产中使用(开发人员在邮件列表中说明了这一点)。


    总而言之,我认为它确实提供了。如果您非常需要 Qi 的 qi::locals<> 之类的东西,可能会出现一些怪癖/皱纹。或在递归规则中切换船长。

    只要您牢记这些,您就会发现 X3 与 Qi 相比使用起来轻而易举,主要​​是由于核心语言集成(可组合性是 IMO 的最大胜利)。

    你可以扫一扫(我的)这个网站上的答案。 (并非所有答案都针对这样标记的问题,因此请考虑搜索文本“x3”)。

    发展 did not stop :

    $ git log --all --oneline --decorate --date-order \
          --after=2014-7-1 --graph -- include/boost/spirit/home/x3
    * ea57c257f Prevent parse_nan() from dereferencing out of range iterator
    * 1433de2fe X3: Remove unused function_types includes
    * 5bd4d1061 X3: Dereference a single item view instead of unwrapping sequence
    * 6cd3d3a08 fix sequence partitioning problem (reverted from commit a8e391bd99dddb3f9ece84bdb1bb9236b0a37cf7)
    * 9bdbf6bd2 X3: Fixed iterator move_to to single item sequence
    * c5411ad23 X3: Reenable fusion::map support
    * 60031eb77 Fix container traits for msvc (#318)
    *   b10e4a477 Merge pull request #320 from think-cell/thinkcell_iterator_check
    * | 6de179282 If there's ambiguity in attribute_category on container_attribute or tuple_attribute (e.g. array and std::array), choose tuple_attribute. We probably should define is_container better.
    | * 766cc4c9b ForwardIterator -> ReadableIteratorConcept & ForwardTraversalConcept
    * 52de6d17b Fix for trac ticket 12928 "x3 cannot synthesize attribute of type boost::iterator_range in a sequence parser"
    * cb946ba08 X3: Fixed include guard names collision
    *   5ec71cfd3 Merge pull request #307 from octopus-prime/optional_attribute
    * \   1265ee169 Merge pull request #120 from mlang/x3/implicit
    |\ \  
    * \ \   deab0a261 Merge pull request #109 from mlang/x3/repeat-kleene-auto
    |\ \ \  
    * | | | 6d6f40c3e X3: Workaround VS2015 rvalue ref in template of noexcept expression bug
    * | | | a30e517b1 X3: Workaround VS2015 decltype in function arguments bug
    | | | * c3a83ce08 optional_attribute
    | |_|/  
    |/| |   
    * | | b8b82630a fix x3::uint_parser<T(signed)> overflow problem
    * | | 690830713 Replaced tab by spaces.
    * | | 74f67517c Bugfix and tests for issue #287 "x3 cannot parse into associative containers anymore".
    * | | ee4943d58 X3: Fix `unused_type` attribute case in `parse_into_container`
    * | | 79995f7e8 x3::error_handler::position() CR+LF lines wrongly counted.
    * | | b4e4762b6 Add noexcept specs to x3::variant and forward_ast
    * | | 19972887f Context& -> Context const&
    * | | 30dfb6230 simplify with directive (3): make rvalue injection mutable
    * | | 361b12eee simplify with directive
    * | | 1f513cb40 Revert "Crash when print attribute in debug mode."
    * | | e7962ea67 Update simple_trace.hpp
    * | | 8c7f9c071 Update and_predicate.hpp
    * | | ca335f30f Fix dangling refs in debug of call_rule_defintion`
    * | | cfa7446a8 silence unused parameter warning
    * | | 16320a556 Check for unitialized rules in parser composition
    * | | 6c1cab48f Avoid logic_error if rule was unitialized
    * | | 29dc7ec6e Added BOOST_SPIRIT_NO_REAL_NUMBERS to not include float parsers
    * | | 30c1d59d3 Make standard_wide and wchar_t optional for platforms that do not support
    * | | 1d5620fef Update rule.hpp
    * | | 379413a50 Fixed bug where string("string1") >> attr(std::string("string2")) produces the wrong attribute result
    * | | 124fda502 fix wrong out commented parameter in x3::detail::make_rule_context(...)
    * | | 8357037e8 use ignore_unused instead of C-cast to void
    * | | a1a30d431 Suppress 'unused parameter' warnings in x3::parse_rule(...)
    * | | 5c782ee5e Suppress 'unused parameter' warnings in x3::detail::make_unique_context(...)
    * | | 672391030 Suppress 'unused parameter' warnings in x3::detail::move_if_not_alternative::call(...)
    * | | 5b1a433d2 Suppress 'unused parameter' warnings in x3::detail::parse_into_container_base_impl::call(...)
    * | | 10286fafa Suppress 'unused parameter' warnings in x3::detail::call(...)
    * | | 96272e324 Suppress 'unused parameter' warnings in x3::get_info::operator()(...)
    * | | 3063a043c Suppress 'unused parameter' warnings in x3::lazy_semantic_predicate::parse(...)
    * | | ce02014df Suppress 'unused parameter' warnings in x3::attr_parser::parse(...)
    * | | c3f97a461 Suppress 'unused parameter' warnings in rule.hpp
    * | | 277cdf777 Suppress 'unused parameter' warnings in container_traits.hpp
    * | | a19bcb5b7 Suppress an "unused parameter" warning of rule_
    | | | * 8616d3ff3 Update exposed attribute for alternative parser
    | |_|/  
    |/| |   
    * | | de81dc44d Using boost TTI library to replace hand-written TTI code.
    * | | b818ca5c8 - added x3 variant test - added x3 variant, extended variant swap member function
    * | | 76c57b600 call c.insert(iter, f, l) or c.inser(f, l) as appropriate depending on container type.
    * | | 2085a9f50 dangling reference to attribute when BOOST_SPIRIT_X3_DEBUG is defined
    * | | 9e488859d Fixes for ticket
    * | | c447315c1 Use forward<T> as appropriate
    * | | a077a4cae fixes problem with move_to
    * | | 7690022b9 Bigfix: with_context should not return const context. doing so will introduce type conflicts and linker errors
    * | | 82bd5b2cc fixes problem with BOOST_SPIRIT_X3_DEBUG.
    * | |   d98a7dc9f Merge pull request #175 from octopus-prime/develop
    |\ \ \  
    | * | | a39923104 Use std::basic_string<Char> instead of Char*
    * | | | 035fc0fd9 - added static assert on phrase_parse to make sure user does not pass in unused_type skipper - fixed symbols parser bug (fixes ticket 12016)
    * | | |   3cee512a4 Merge pull request #170 from octopus-prime/develop
    |\ \ \ \  
    | |/ / /  
    | * | | 8602d2b8e Replaced cend() by end().
    | * | | 0037392a7 Changed push_back(unused_type, T const&) to push_back(unused_type, T&&).
    * | | | a8e391bd9 fix sequence partitioning problem
    * | | | d91cf7410 Fixes Ticket #11952
    | * | | 9c2bc9f34 size calculation in has_reserve_method case only.
    | * | | 1fbe050ef Replaced c.end() by c.cend(). Replaced std::integral_constant<bool, detail::has_reserve_method<Container>::value>() by typename detail::has_reserve_method<Container>::type{}.
    | * | | 045216a5c Add and use has_reserve_method construct to determine whether container has reserve() method.
    | * | | 27d3352ec Added reserve optimization for std::vector and std::basic_string
    | * | | c014a081b Cleaned up container_traits.
    |/ / /  
    * | | c31e79efa Using insert() method of containers in push_back().
    * | | cec9817bc Added support for std::multimap, std::unordered_map and std::unordered_multimap.
    * | | a362319f3 X3: fix char_range boundaries
    * | |   2df3b8885 Merge pull request #110 from mlang/x3/error_handler.position_of
    |\ \ \  
    * \ \ \   949e49979 Merge pull request #132 from bebuch/develop
    |\ \ \ \  
    * | | | | b42df6fe5 X3: Fix parse_sequence with variant_attribute.
    | * | | | 5dadb838c return type via decltype(auto)
    |/ / / /  
    * | | | 509029d24 remove include duplicate
    * | | | 9b0daf9cc X3: Less is more.
    * | | | d109f01de X3: We do not need integer_sequence.hpp.
    * | | | 090e7a056 X3: Simplify operator>.
    * | | | 391cbb2f2 X3: Use decltype instead of result_of.
    * | | |   c6aba10d5 Merge pull request #124 from mlang/x3/context/decltype-auto
    |\ \ \ \  
    | * | | | d6b5f0d92 X3: Eliminate two more hidden cases of get_result.
    * | | | | d87aa6846 X3: Add another missing const&.
    |/ / / /  
    * | | | 20658b2b2 X3: Remove useless using-directives.
    * | | | 6ede5f7c8 X3: [context] decltype(auto) makes get_result unnecessary.
    | | | * 2f20512a3 X3: Make use of implicit constructibility.
    | |_|/  
    |/| |   
    * | | 53352198f X3: Use inheritance instead of typedef typename ...::type type;
    * | | af73c1c20 X3: Simplify alternative::parse.
    * | | 1d7159ce0 X3: Avoid copying the arguments to {unary,binary}_parser, sequence and alternative.
    * | | bc20650d9 X3: Remove unused include mpl/joint_view.hpp and add mpl/insert_range.hpp where appropriate.
    * | | 2a94b18e9 X3: Fix push_back to mpl::view in x3::sequence.
    | * | 2995de5fa Allow retrieval of the iterator_range of a position_tagged.
    |/ /  
    | * c5b9823ae auto makes this simpler.
    *   0a7fadd83 Merge pull request #104 from teajay-fr/feature/x3_binary
    * | bec338319 Remove leftover pragma once
    | * e1210dff4 Clean up and finalized the binary parser
    * | 55e87419c c++11 coding style tweaks
    * | 1c8d9b6e2 removing #pragma once clutter
    | * d5f119779 Add support for the binary parsers
    * | ad507e4da Fix include paths.
    * | cea20165b - removing extensions - promoting stuff from extensions to directive
    * | 10c13779b Rename {directive => extensions}/matches.hpp.
    * | dc4c7f824 x3::matches.
    * 8bd4d7078 Add one space after 'for'.
    * c13b91ac6 X3: No need for BOOST_FOREACH.
    * 033e52c03 Make annotation.hpp generic and move to support/utility/annotate_on_success.hpp.
    * 7404981b0 Use utf_to_utf in x3::error_handler.
    * ac70d6f65 Allow rule.hpp to be included independently.
    * 0debda097 Allow string/string_literal.hpp be able to be independently included.
    * 20170960d bug fix x3: where we try to push_back to an mpl::view.
    * c60d93fff bug fix for x3 where container attribute is substitute for the container value type. happens with recursive data structures such as vector<v> where v is a variant that also contains vector<v>.
    * 0e17b6d05 reorganizing files into cleaner directory structures
    * a3d667002 Making testing a full-fledged X3 suppoty utility
    * c45fdad1b Bug fix: rule IDs must have accessible on_error and on_sucess
    * 3627a4690 more test updates and cleanup
    * 0adee06b2 cleaning up the tests
    * 63e779a2e added version type
    * 21dd555af Updated the check-for-self in x3::variant
    * 14c87d616 specific support for puch_back and append to std::map
    * c5fe8848c added explicit force_attribute bool template parameter to rule
    * 5e4b0a7c8 X3 now works with g++4.9
    * 2baddc5f2 fixed new symbols usage
    *   729ffd680 Merge pull request #70 from mlang/error_reporting/without/line_pos_iterator
    * | c0ea389a1 Fix misplaced inline keyword.
    | * 5d6dd28e8 Decouple error_reporting.hpp from line_pos_iterator.
    * | 19ca8017b Add missing inline to avoid linker errors about duplicate definitions.
    *   fec70d409 Merge branch 'x3-devel' into feature/x3_devlop_merge
    * | 9113f02e5 Macro to remove filesystem dependency
    | * 6c0b5da3a Improved the formating
    | *   e4d195ef2 Merge branch 'x3-devel' of into feature/x3_no_case
    | |\  
    | | * 92bd34bd7 Corrected the seperation of the literal string from their sizes in the any_char operator() Reactivated all the char set tests
    | | * 7bde4c42f Add as_parser templates to handle on char strings as char_ instead of literal_string
    | | * 134e30e75 Add support for char sets and char ranges
    | | * a4e043101 Add the char_set and char_range parser
    | | * eec3ff531 Fix the char encoding specific generators for all the string literal parsers
    | * 1d6267610 Simplified the case sensitive/insensitive helpers
    | * 60cca1161 Implement the no case directive for the symbols parser
    | * ad9d0429a Use a less invasive case_compare type extraction from the context
    | * 3f089ad13 Create a fresh no_case context for the skipper
    | * 430cd5fee Add missing template keyword for clang
    | * ea72c747a Make the char class parser no_case compatible. Make all no_case tests pass.
    | * 1f01e9056 Use the same logic as the skipper to swap between case sensitive and case insensitive parsing.
    | * c0dfd1416 Move the no case tag and the context extraction template to the support folder
    | * 4b1fab071 Make no case directive compilable
    | * 5a7495205 Add no case directive
    * bcd6f561a Merge branch 'develop'

    最后一次提交是在 2018 年。

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