google-assistant-sdk - Raspberry pi 上的 Google Assistant 段错误

标签 google-assistant-sdk

使用本指南在我的 pi 上安装 Google 助手:

(env) pi@raspberrypi:~ $ source env/bin/activate
    (env) pi@raspberrypi:~ $ googlesamples-assistant-hotword --project_id 'celius-54926' --device_model_id 'celius-54926-celius-qyn1r6'
    device_model_id: celius-54926-celius-qyn1r6
    device_id: A1CE24415E5C880BCA74644CD6315DC2

    Segmentation fault



我继续阅读页面:在“查找设备实例 ID”标题下,我的设备似乎未注册。

因此,我使用此处的帮助页面从 pi 手动注册了设备: .

(env) pi@raspberrypi:~ $  googlesamples-assistant-devicetool --project-id YOUR_DEVICE_ID register-device --device 4D609xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx --model YOUR_MODEL_ID --client-type SERVICE
Creating new device
Error: Failed to register device: 403
Google Assistant API has not been used in project 5739xxxxxxxx before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting then retry. If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry.

(env) pi@raspberrypi:~ $ googlesamples-assistant-devicetool --project-id YOUR-PROJECT-ID register-device --device 4D60xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx --model YOUR_MODEL_ID --client-type SERVICE

Creating new device

Device instance 4D60xxxxxxxxx successfully registered


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