amazon-ec2 - 如何使用 AWS CloudFormation 创建 Amazon VPC?

标签 amazon-ec2 amazon-web-services scalability vpc aws-cloudformation

我目前正在使用 AWS CloudFormation对于我的申请。现在我可以自动缩放实例。现在,我想把所有东西都放在Amazon VPC上。我们可以使用 CloudFormation 创建 VPC 吗?当模板中有 ELB 时,我们如何通过 CloudFormation 管理弹性 IP 地址?我在AWS CloudFormation Sample Templates上找到了VPC相关的示例,但它仅将资源配置到现有 VPC 中,不会在模板中创建新的 VPC。



pointed out by Jeff已经 (+1),AWS 刚刚宣布 AWS CloudFormation Support for Creating VPC Resources截至 2012 年 4 月 25 日,弥补了其初始 VPC 支持中缺失的部分:

We are excited to announce that AWS CloudFormation now supports the creation of Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) resources. [...]

Now, you can create new Virtual Private Clouds (VPC), subnets, gateways, network ACLs, routes and route tables using CloudFormation templates. [...]

[...] A CloudFormation can now fully represent your VPC configuration along with all the resources needed to run your application in the VPC.

请参阅 Jeff Barr 的介绍性帖子 AWS CloudFormation Can Now Create Virtual Private Clouds了解更多详细信息和示例。特别是AWS CloudFormation Sample Templates还提供两个新的示例模板[...]来帮助您入门:


我不认为创建 Amazon VPCAWS CloudFormation已经支持。

虽然AWS刚刚宣布AWS CloudFormation Support For VPC实际上,截至 2012 年 2 月 12 日,这仅涵盖现有资源类型:

All resource types such as Amazon EC2 instances, security groups and Elastic IP addresses, Elastic Load Balancers, Auto Scaling Groups and Amazon RDS Database instances can now be deployed into any existing Amazon VPC using CloudFormation templates. The templates allow you to run multi-tier web applications and corporate applications in a private network. With Amazon VPC and CloudFormation, you can easily control which resources you want to expose publicly and which ones should be private.

值得注意的是,Amazon VPC 并未出现在此列表中,这与它未在受支持的 AWS Resource Types Reference 中列出这一事实相符。要么。

关于amazon-ec2 - 如何使用 AWS CloudFormation 创建 Amazon VPC?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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