search - 如何在不使用 API 的情况下以编程方式执行搜索?

标签 search screen-scraping

我想创建一个程序,将字符串输入到像谷歌这样的网站的文本框中(不使用他们的公共(public) API),然后提交表单并获取结果。这可能吗?获取结果将需要使用我假设的 HTML 抓取,但我将如何将数据输入文本字段并提交表单?我会被迫使用公共(public) API 吗?这样的事情是不可行的吗?我必须弄清楚查询字符串/参数吗?




我要做的是创建一个小程序,它可以自动将任何表单数据提交到任何地方并返回结果。这在 Java 中很容易做到,HTTPUnit .任务是这样的:

  • 连接到网络服务器。
  • 解析页面。
  • 获取页面上的第一个表单。
  • 填写表格数据。
  • 提交表格。
  • 读取(并解析)结果。

  • 您选择的解决方案将取决于多种因素,包括:
  • 是否需要模拟 JavaScript
  • 之后你需要对数据做什么
  • 你精通什么语言
  • 应用程序速度(这是一个查询还是 100,000 个查询?)
  • 应用程序需要多长时间才能运行
  • 它是一次性的,还是必须维护?

  • 例如,您可以尝试以下应用程序为您提交数据:
  • Lynx
  • curl
  • wget

  • 那么grep (awk 或 sed)生成的网页。

    屏幕抓取的另一个技巧是下载一个示例 HTML 文件并在 vi(或 VIM)中手动解析它。将击键保存到文件中,然后每当您运行查询时,将这些击键应用到生成的网页以提取数据。此解决方案不可维护,也不是 100% 可靠(但很少从网站抓取屏幕)。它可以工作并且速度很快。


    下面是一个用于提交网站表单(特别是处理登录网站)的半通用 Java 类,希望它可能有用。不要用来作恶。
    import java.util.Enumeration;
    import java.util.Hashtable;  
    import java.util.Properties; 
    import com.meterware.httpunit.GetMethodWebRequest;
    import com.meterware.httpunit.SubmitButton;       
    import com.meterware.httpunit.WebClient;          
    import com.meterware.httpunit.WebConversation;    
    import com.meterware.httpunit.WebForm;            
    import com.meterware.httpunit.WebLink;            
    import com.meterware.httpunit.WebRequest;         
    import com.meterware.httpunit.WebResponse;        
    public class FormElements extends Properties
      private static final String FORM_URL = "form.url";
      private static final String FORM_ACTION = "form.action";
      /** These are properly provided property parameters. */
      private static final String FORM_PARAM = "form.param.";
      /** These are property parameters that are required; must have values. */
      private static final String FORM_REQUIRED = "form.required.";            
      private Hashtable fields = new Hashtable( 10 );
      private WebConversation webConversation;
      public FormElements()
       * Retrieves the HTML page, populates the form data, then sends the
       * information to the server.                                      
      public void run()                                                  
        throws Exception                                                 
        WebResponse response = receive();                                
        WebForm form = getWebForm( response );                           
        populate( form );
      protected WebResponse receive()
        throws Exception             
        WebConversation webConversation = getWebConversation();
        GetMethodWebRequest request = getGetMethodWebRequest();
        // Fake the User-Agent so the site thinks that encryption is supported.
        request.setHeaderField( "User-Agent",                                  
          "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv\\:1.7.3) Gecko/20040913" );
        return webConversation.getResponse( request );
      protected void populate( WebForm form )
        throws Exception                     
        // First set all the .param variables.
        setParamVariables( form );            
        // Next, set the required variables.
        setRequiredVariables( form );       
      protected void setParamVariables( WebForm form )
        throws Exception                              
        for( Enumeration e = propertyNames(); e.hasMoreElements(); )
          String property = (String)(e.nextElement());              
          if( property.startsWith( FORM_PARAM ) )
            String fieldName = getProperty( property );
            String propertyName = property.substring( FORM_PARAM.length() );
            String fieldValue = getField( propertyName );                   
            // Skip blank fields (most likely, this is a blank last name, which
            // means the form wants a full name).                              
            if( "".equals( fieldName ) )                                       
            // If this is the first name, and the last name parameter is blank,
            // then append the last name field to the first name field.        
            if( "first_name".equals( propertyName ) &&                         
                "".equals( getProperty( FORM_PARAM + "last_name" ) ) )         
              fieldValue += " " + getField( "last_name" );                     
            showSet( fieldName, fieldValue );
            form.setParameter( fieldName, fieldValue );
      protected void setRequiredVariables( WebForm form )
        throws Exception                                 
        for( Enumeration e = propertyNames(); e.hasMoreElements(); )
          String property = (String)(e.nextElement());              
          if( property.startsWith( FORM_REQUIRED ) )
            String fieldValue = getProperty( property );
            String fieldName = property.substring( FORM_REQUIRED.length() );
            // If the field starts with a ~, then copy the field.
            if( fieldValue.startsWith( "~" ) )                   
              String copyProp = fieldValue.substring( 1, fieldValue.length() );
              copyProp = getProperty( copyProp );                              
              // Since the parameters have been copied into the form, we can   
              // eke out the duplicate values.                                 
              fieldValue = form.getParameterValue( copyProp );                 
            showSet( fieldName, fieldValue );
            form.setParameter( fieldName, fieldValue );
      private void showSet( String fieldName, String fieldValue )
        System.out.print( "<p class='setting'>" );               
        System.out.print( fieldName );                           
        System.out.print( " = " );                               
        System.out.print( fieldValue );                          
        System.out.println( "</p>" );                            
      private WebForm getWebForm( WebResponse response )
        throws Exception                                
        WebForm[] forms = response.getForms();          
        String action = getProperty( FORM_ACTION );     
        // Not supposed to break out of a for-loop, but it makes the code easy ...
        for( int i = forms.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- )                              
          if( forms[ i ].getAction().equalsIgnoreCase( action ) )                 
            return forms[ i ];                                                    
        // Sadly, no form was found.
        throw new Exception();      
      private GetMethodWebRequest getGetMethodWebRequest()
        return new GetMethodWebRequest( getProperty( FORM_URL ) );
      private WebConversation getWebConversation()
        if( this.webConversation == null )
          this.webConversation = new WebConversation();
        return this.webConversation;
      public void setField( String field, String value )
        Hashtable fields = getFields();
        fields.put( field, value );
      private String getField( String field )
        Hashtable<String, String> fields = getFields();
        String result = fields.get( field );
        return result == null ? "" : result;
      private Hashtable getFields()
        return this.fields;
      public static void main( String args[] )
        throws Exception
        FormElements formElements = new FormElements();
        formElements.setField( "first_name", args[1] );
        formElements.setField( "last_name", args[2] );
        formElements.setField( "email", args[3] );
        formElements.setField( "comments",  args[4] );
        FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream( args[0] );
        formElements.load( fis );

    $ cat
    # Submit Button
    # Required Fields
    form.required.besttime=5 to 7pm

    运行它类似于以下内容(将 HTTPUnit 的路径和 $CLASSPATH 的 FormElements 类替换):
    java -cp $CLASSPATH FormElements "John" "Doe" "" "To whom it may concern  ..."



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