templates - 了解jsf ui的用途 :composition

标签 templates jsf facelets


<ui:composition template="template.xhtml">;

“在使用 <ui:composition> 的模板客户端页面中,标记范围之外的任何内容都将被忽略,并且不包含在呈现的输出中”(JavaServerFaces 2.0,完整引用,pg.61)

由于一切在<ui:define>被忽略了,为什么要放任何东西呢?在 <ui:define> 之外没有任何内容。 .




What is the usefulness of the following?

<ui:composition template="template.xhtml">


"In a template client page using <ui:composition>, anything outside of the bounds of a tag is ignored and is not included in the rendered output" (JavaServerFaces 2.0, the complete reference, pg.61)

Since everything outside is ignored, why put anything there? Nothing has to be put outside the <ui:define>.

你不需要这样做。你为什么要?好吧,也许基本教程就是这样做的,但这只是为了演示目的。 “这不会包含在渲染的输出中”等等。另一方面,如果您碰巧使用可视化编辑器,那么 <ui:composition> 之外的内容被视为。另见 Is there a way to run a JSF page without building the whole project?

Another thing I don't understand, is that template attribute of composition element is optional. What does it rapresent a template client without the reference to a template?

一个简单的包含文件,您可以通过 <ui:include> 包含它.
  • How to include another XHTML in XHTML using JSF 2.0 Facelets?
  • 关于templates - 了解jsf ui的用途 :composition,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6525050/


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