f# - 从联合案例中提取值(value)

标签 f#

在 Fsharp 应用程序中,我定义了几个联合案例类型为

type A = A of String
type B = B of String
type C = C of String

let getValue( ctor: String-> 'a) = 
   ...implementation here




type A = A of string
type B = B of string
type C = C of string

let a = A "hello"
let b = B "world"
let c = C "!"


let getValueA (A v) = v
let getValueB (B v) = v
let getValueC (C v) = v

let valueOfA = getValueA a
let valueOfB = getValueB b
let valueOfC = getValueC c

type T =
    static member getValue (A v) = v
    static member getValue (B v) = v
    static member getValue (C v) = v

let valueOfA = T.getValue a
let valueOfB = T.getValue b
let valueOfC = T.getValue c

type GetValue = GetValue with
    static member ($) (GetValue, (A v)) = v
    static member ($) (GetValue, (B v)) = v
    static member ($) (GetValue, (C v)) = v

let inline getValue x : string = GetValue $ x

let valueOfA = getValue a
let valueOfB = getValue b
let valueOfC = getValue c

open Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection
let getValue a =  
    FSharpValue.GetUnionFields (a, a.GetType())
        |> snd
        |> Seq.head
        :?> string

let valueOfA = getValue a
let valueOfB = getValue b
let valueOfC = getValue c

重新设计您的 DU
type A = A
type B = B
type C = C

type MyDU<'a> = MyDU of 'a * string

let a = MyDU (A, "hello")
let b = MyDU (B, "world")
let c = MyDU (C, "!"    )

let getValue (MyDU (_, v)) = v

let valueOfA = getValue a
let valueOfB = getValue b

type IWrapped<'a> =
    abstract getValue: 'a

type A = A of string with interface IWrapped<string> with member t.getValue = let (A x) = t in x        
type B = B of string with interface IWrapped<string> with member t.getValue = let (B x) = t in x
type C = C of string with interface IWrapped<string> with member t.getValue = let (C x) = t in x

let valueOfA = (a :> IWrapped<string>).getValue

关于f# - 从联合案例中提取值(value),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24217268/


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