c - C 数组中的最小值、最大值和位置

标签 c arrays cs50

我是 C 的新手,如果我的怀疑看起来很愚蠢但我被卡住了,请理解。我进行了很多搜索,但找不到解决我的问题的答案。





int main()
int array[100], maximum, minimum, c, laps, location = 1;
float average;
int summation;

 printf("how many laps did the race had?\n");
 laps = GetInt();
 printf("how many time each of the %i laps took in seconds?\n", laps);

 for (c = 0; c < laps; c++)
      scanf("%d", &array[c]);
      maximum = array[0];
      minimum = array[0];
 for ( c = 1; c < laps; c++)
      if (array[c] < minimum)
          minimum = array[c];
          location = c + 1;
       else if (array[c] > maximum)
           maximum = array[c];
           location = c + 1;
 for ( c = 0; c < laps; c++)
      summation = summation + array[c];
      average = (summation / laps);

printf("The fastest lap was %d and had the time of %d seconds.\n", location, minimum);
printf("The slowest lap was %d and had the time of %d seconds.\n", location, maximum);
printf("The race took %d seconds\n", summation);
printf("The avegare time for lap was %.2f seconds.\n", average);



for ( c = 0; c < laps; c++)
      summation = summation + array[c];
      average = (summation / laps);


int summation = 0;
for ( c = 0; c < laps; c++)
      summation = summation + array[c];
 average = (summation / laps);


您对最小和最大位置使用相同的location。使用 minLocationmaxLocation 代替


for ( c = 1; c < laps; c++)
      if (array[c] < minimum)
          minimum = array[c];
          location = c + 1;
       else if (array[c] > maximum)
           maximum = array[c];
           location = c + 1;
 for ( c = 0; c < laps; c++)
      summation = summation + array[c];
      average = (summation / laps);


 for ( c = 1; c < laps; c++)
      if (array[c] < minimum)
          minimum = array[c];
          location = c + 1;
       else if (array[c] > maximum)
           maximum = array[c];
           location = c + 1;
 for ( c = 0; c < laps; c++)
      summation = summation + array[c];
      average = (summation / laps);

关于c - C 数组中的最小值、最大值和位置,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29408343/


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