syntax - F# 构造函数语法 - 覆盖和扩充 new

标签 syntax f# constructor

我有一个具有打开/关闭语法的非一次性类,我希望能够 use ,所以我试图继承它,并将 Open 工作到 new和 Close into Dispose。

第二部分还可以,但我不知道如何进行 Open:

type DisposableOpenCloseClass(openargs) =
    inherit OpenCloseClass()
    //do this.Open(openargs)  <-- compiler no like
    interface IDisposable
        with member this.Dispose() = this.Close()

(参见 this question 我很久以前问过的,但我不能把点加到这个上)


key 是 as this :

type OpenCloseClass() =
    member this.Open(x) = printfn "opened %d" x
    member this.Close() = printfn "closed"

open System

type DisposableOpenCloseClass(openargs) as this = 
    inherit OpenCloseClass() 
    do this.Open(openargs)
    interface IDisposable 
        with member this.Dispose() = this.Close() 

let f() =
    use docc = new DisposableOpenCloseClass(42)
    printfn "inside"


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