directoryentry - 给定用户的 SID,我如何获取 AD DirectoryEntry?

标签 directoryentry sid

我将用户的 SID 设为 byte[]windowsPrincipal.getIdentity().getSid() 内.
如何从 SID 获取 Active Directory 条目 (DirectoryEntry)?


我发现最简单的方法是使用 LDAP 绑定(bind)。类似于尼克吉尔斯所说的。更多信息请访问 MSDN

''' <summary>
''' Gets the DirectoryEntry identified by this SecurityIdentifier.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="id">The SecurityIdentifier (SID).</param>
<System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> _
Public Function GetDirectoryEntry(ByVal id As SecurityIdentifier) As DirectoryEntry
    Const sidBindingFormat As String = "LDAP://AOT/<SID={0}>"

    Return New DirectoryEntry(String.Format(sidBindingFormat, id.Value))
End Function

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