r - 如何从命令行运行 devtools::test?

标签 r devtools

我的一项测试失败了,我想使用 git bisect 来追踪它。

为此,我需要运行 devtools::test从命令行以这样的方式进程退出代码将指示是否所有测试都已通过。



在命令行上,标准的包构建工作流程是使用 R CMD build 创建包 tarball。然后使用 R CMD check 检查它. devtools 只需使用 system() 为您运行此工作流程调用。这对你来说会是什么样子:

R CMD build dirname
R CMD check pkgname_version.tar.gz

这将根据所有检查是否成功提供适当的状态代码。如果您只想检查测试(而不是其他包功能),那么您必须探索 R CMD check选项。这些将使您能够关闭(某些)其他特定检查,例如文档示例、小插图、构建文档的 PDF 等。

这些选项的当前列表(对于 R2.3.3)是:
> R CMD check --help
Check R packages from package sources, which can be directories or
package 'tar' archives with extension '.tar.gz', '.tar.bz2',
'.tar.xz' or '.tgz'.

A variety of diagnostic checks on directory structure, index and
control files are performed.  The package is installed into the log
directory and production of the package PDF manual is tested.
All examples and tests provided by the package are tested to see if
they run successfully.  By default code in the vignettes is tested,
as is re-building the vignette PDFs.

  -h, --help            print short help message and exit
  -v, --version         print version info and exit
  -l, --library=LIB     library directory used for test installation
                        of packages (default is outdir)
  -o, --output=DIR      directory for output, default is current directory.
                        Logfiles, R output, etc. will be placed in 'pkg.Rcheck'
                        in this directory, where 'pkg' is the name of the
                        checked package
      --no-clean        do not clean 'outdir' before using it
      --no-codoc        do not check for code/documentation mismatches
      --no-examples     do not run the examples in the Rd files
      --no-install      skip installation and associated tests
      --no-tests        do not run code in 'tests' subdirectory
      --no-manual       do not produce the PDF manual
      --no-vignettes    do not run R code in vignettes nor build outputs
      --no-build-vignettes    do not build vignette outputs
      --run-dontrun     do run \dontrun sections in the Rd files
      --run-donttest    do run \donttest sections in the Rd files
      --use-gct         use 'gctorture(TRUE)' when running examples/tests
      --use-valgrind    use 'valgrind' when running examples/tests/vignettes
      --timings         record timings for examples
      --install-args=   command-line args to be passed to INSTALL
      --test-dir=       look in this subdirectory for test scripts (default tests)
                        run checks on the package subdirectories
                        (default is yes for a tarball, no otherwise)
      --as-cran         select customizations similar to those used
                        for CRAN incoming checking

The following options apply where sub-architectures are in use:
      --extra-arch      do only runtime tests needed for an additional
      --multiarch       do runtime tests on all installed sub-archs
      --no-multiarch    do runtime tests only on the main sub-architecture
      --force-multiarch run tests on all sub-archs even for packages
                        with no compiled code

By default, all test sections are turned on.

Report bugs at bugs.r-project.org .

注意:对于 R CMD check ,您必须手动指定包版本号(这将基于包 Version 文件中 DESCRIPTION 的值)。如果目录中只有一个包 tarball,则可以使用通配符来创建可重用的工作流:
R CMD build dirname
R CMD check pkgname*.tar.gz

另请记住,如果您计划将包裹运送到 CRAN,您还应该使用 --as-cran 运行检查。选项,它运行一些额外的检查。

关于r - 如何从命令行运行 devtools::test?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34475615/


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