yeoman - 如何使用 Yeoman 记录彩色消息?

标签 yeoman terminal-color

我试过console.log('message') ,但它以黑色返回消息。



对于查看此问题的新用户 console.log();根据 Documentation,在 Yeoman 中应该“从不”使用.而是使用 generator.log();在实践中主要被视为 this.log() .

To allow for this flexibility [of running in various user interfaces, not just in terminals], Yeoman provides a set of user interface element abstractions. It is your responsibility as an author to only use those abstractions when interacting with your end user. [Emphasis added.] Using other ways will probably prevent your generator from running correctly in different Yeoman tools.

For example, it is important to never use console.log() or process.stdout.write() to output content. Using them would hide the output from users not using a terminal. Instead, always rely on the UI generic this.log() method, where this is the context of your current generator.

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