extjs - 如何覆盖 PagingToolbar 中的刷新操作

标签 extjs extjs4 extjs4.1

我需要根据 Paging 工具栏中的刷新按钮编写一些操作。如何覆盖 doRefresh()方法?

this.bbar=Ext.create('Ext.PagingToolbar', {
      store: store,
      displayInfo: true,
      displayMsg: 'Displaying records {0} - {1} of {2}',
      emptyMsg: "No topics to display" 



Ext.create('Ext.PagingToolbar', {
      store: store,
      displayInfo: true,
      displayMsg: 'Displaying records {0} - {1} of {2}',
      emptyMsg: "No topics to display",
      doRefresh : function(){
         // Keep or remove these code
         var me = this,
             current = me.store.currentPage;

         if (me.fireEvent('beforechange', me, current) !== false) {

Ext.PagingToolbar.prototype.doRefresh = function() {
     // Keep or remove these code
     var me = this,
         current = me.store.currentPage;

     if (me.fireEvent('beforechange', me, current) !== false) {

请注意,如果您这样做,您必须在每次更新 EXTJS 核心时仔细检查它以确保功能!

关于extjs - 如何覆盖 PagingToolbar 中的刷新操作,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13839444/


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