android - 杀死 Activity 进程时服务重新启动

标签 android android-service

我有一个 Activity 通过我服务的 android:process 属性在单独的进程中启动服务。

我的服务的 onStartCommand() 函数返回 START_STICkY

我通过最近使用的应用程序按钮将其滑开,然后服务进程重新启动,从而终止了我的 Activity 进程。

我想知道是否有办法在 Activity 进程被杀死时保持服务运行。


I want to know if there is a way to keep the service running when the activity process is killed.


Closed by the user via the Running Services screen in Settings.

Closed by the user via a task killer.

Closed by Android to free up memory in times of need.

Keep the service running is BAD idea.


--> 您可以使用BROADCAST RECEIVER 重新启动您的服务。(当来电、启动完成、收到短信等时,根据您的要求使用它)

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