java - 安卓 : openConnection() throws IOExeption ( Unable to find default handler for protocol: http )

标签 java android jcifs

我有一个使用 jcifs 库的 android 应用程序。每次我尝试使用 HTTP 协议(protocol)在 URL 上运行 openConnection() 时,我都会收到带有以下消息的 IOExeption:“无法找到协议(protocol)的默认处理程序:http”。它适用于使用 FTP 协议(protocol)的 URL。

经过一番挖掘,我怀疑问题出在 jcifs 库中。从 JCIFS 文档中,我发现了以下内容:

The jCIFS NTLM support is implemented as a URLStreamHandler for HTTP connections. This handler "wraps" the default handler provided by your Java environment to add support for NTLM authentication.

Add the "jcifs" package to the list of protocol handler packages. The "java.protocol.handler.pkgs" property is a pipe-separated ("|") list of packages which supply protocol handlers to Java.The "jcifs" package should be added to this list; this would typically be done by adding "-Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=jcifs" to the command line when starting the application...

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在您创建连接之前。这将在您的项目中安装 jcifs 包。

关于java - 安卓 : openConnection() throws IOExeption ( Unable to find default handler for protocol: http ),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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