r - R按data.table中的条件分组

标签 r grouping data.table



my.df = data.table(x1 = 1:1000,
                   x2 = 4:1003)
tol = 3
adply(my.df, 1, function(df) my.df[x1 > (df$x1 - tol) & x1 < (df$x1 + tol), .N])

        x1   x2 V1
   1:    1    4  3
   2:    2    5  4
   3:    3    6  5
   4:    4    7  5
   5:    5    8  5
 996:  996  999  5
 997:  997 1000  5
 998:  998 1001  5
 999:  999 1002  4
1000: 1000 1003  3


x = seq(1,100000000,100000)
x = x + sample(1:50000, length(x), replace=T)
x2 = x + sample(1:50000, length(x), replace=T)
my.df = data.table(x1 = x,
                   x2 = x2)
tol = 100000

og = function(my.df) {
  adply(my.df, 1, function(df) my.df[x1 > (df$x1 - tol) & x1 < (df$x1 + tol), .N])

microbenchmark(r_ed <- ed(copy(my.df)),
               r_ar <- ar(copy(my.df)),
               r_og <- og(copy(my.df)),
               times = 1)

Unit: milliseconds
                    expr         min          lq      median          uq         max neval
 r_ed <- ed(copy(my.df))    8.553137    8.553137    8.553137    8.553137    8.553137     1
 r_ar <- ar(copy(my.df))   10.229438   10.229438   10.229438   10.229438   10.229438     1
 r_og <- og(copy(my.df)) 1424.472844 1424.472844 1424.472844 1424.472844 1424.472844     1

显然,@ eddi和@Arun的解决方案都比我的要快得多。现在,我只需要试着理解面包卷。



my.df[, x1 := as.numeric(x1)]

# set the key to x1 for the merges and to sort
# (note, if data already sorted can make this step instantaneous using setattr)
setkey(my.df, x1)

# and now we're going to do two rolling merges, one with the upper bound
# and one with lower, then get the index of the match and subtract the ends
# (+1, to get the count)
my.df[, res := my.df[J(x1 + tol - 1e-6), list(ind = .I), roll = Inf]$ind -
               my.df[J(x1 - tol + 1e-6), list(ind = .I), roll = -Inf]$ind + 1]

# and here's the bench vs @Arun's solution
ed = function(my.df) {
  my.df[, x1 := as.numeric(x1)]
  setkey(my.df, x1)
  my.df[, res := my.df[J(x1 + tol - 1e-6), list(ind = .I), roll = Inf]$ind -
                 my.df[J(x1 - tol + 1e-6), list(ind = .I), roll = -Inf]$ind + 1]

microbenchmark(ed(copy(my.df)), ar(copy(my.df)))
#Unit: milliseconds
#            expr       min       lq   median       uq      max neval
# ed(copy(my.df))  7.297928 10.09947 10.87561 11.80083 23.05907   100
# ar(copy(my.df)) 10.825521 15.38151 16.36115 18.15350 21.98761   100

注意:Arun和Matthew都指出,如果x1是整数,则不必将其转换为数字并从tol中减去一小部分,并且可以使用tol - 1L代替上面的tol - 1e-6

关于r - R按data.table中的条件分组,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18119663/


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