actions-on-google - 在 actions-on-google Nodejs v2 中构建列表

标签 actions-on-google

我可能遗漏了一些非常明显的东西,但我还没有想出如何在 tne actions-on-google Nodejs 客户端库的 v2 中以编程方式构建列表。

换句话说,我想做类似下面的conv.ask代码的事情,但事先不知道项目,所以需要创建一个列表,将项目添加到列表中,然后动态询问列表方式。我可以在 v1 中使用:

var rList = app.buildList("Please select one option:");
for (var r =0; r < resp_text.length; r++) {
  rList.addItems(app.buildOptionItem(resp_value[r], resp_matches[r]).setTitle(resp_text[r]));
app.askWithList(question_str, rList);

...所以我基本上是在寻找与上述等价的 v2。


conv.ask(new List({
    title: 'Things to learn about',
    items: {
      // Add the first item to the list
      'MATH_AND_PRIME': {
        synonyms: [
          'math and prime',
          'prime numbers',
        title: 'Title of the First List Item',
        description: '42 is an abundant number',
        image: new Image({
          url: '',
          alt: 'Math & prime numbers',
      // Add the second item to the list
      'EGYPT': {
        synonyms: [
          'ancient egyptian',
        title: 'Ancient Egyptian religion',
        description: '42 gods ruled on the fate of the dead in the afterworld',
        image: new Image({
          url: '',
          alt: 'Egypt',
      // Add the last item to the list
      'RECIPES': {
        synonyms: [
          '42 recipes',
        title: '42 recipes in 42 ingredients',
        description: 'A beautifully simple recipe',
        image: new Image({
          url: '',
          alt: 'Recipe',




 var ritems = {}
 for (var r=0; r < resp_text.length; r++) {
     ritems[resp_value[r]] = {
         synonyms: [resp_matches[r]],
         title: resp_text[r]
 conv.ask(new List({
     title: "Please select one option:",
     items: ritems

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