twitter - TweetBot Retweeter 授权失败

标签 twitter google-apps-script

在 Twitter 上,您只能发布适合 140 个字符的帖子。这包括您在推特上的句柄:@handle .当试图在更大的群体中发推文时,这会产生问题。为了为我的篮球队创建一个解决方法,我正在尝试创建一个推特机器人,当它在推特上发送时,它会从推文中获取文本,然后发送一系列推文@团队中每个人的句柄。

我从 this tutorial 的代码开始.然后我编辑了 Wolfram Alpha 的东西并想出了这个代码开始:( key 和 secret 真的不是 xxxxx)

/**     ScotsTeamRetweeter                               **/
/**     =======================================          **/
/**     Written by John Holland    
/**     Taken from: Amit Agarwal @labnol on 10/09/2013   **/  
/**     Tutorial link:    **/

function start() {      
  Logger.log("Did actually start"); 

  var TWITTER_HANDLE           = "ScotsTeam";  

  // Store variables
  ScriptProperties.setProperty("TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY",    TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY);
  ScriptProperties.setProperty("TWITTER_HANDLE",          TWITTER_HANDLE);
  ScriptProperties.setProperty("MAX_TWITTER_ID",          0);

  // Delete exiting triggers, if any
  var triggers = ScriptApp.getScriptTriggers();
  for(var i=0; i < triggers.length; i++) {

  // Setup trigger to read Tweets every five minutes

function oAuth() {
  var oauthConfig = UrlFetchApp.addOAuthService("twitter");

function fetchTweets() {
  var twitter_handle = ScriptProperties.getProperty("TWITTER_HANDLE");

  var phrase = "lang:en+to:" + twitter_handle; 
  var search = ""; 
  search = search + encodeString(phrase) + "&since_id=" + ScriptProperties.getProperty("MAX_TWITTER_ID");    

  var options =
    "method": "get",

  try {

    var result = UrlFetchApp.fetch(search, options);    
    if (result.getResponseCode() === 200) {
      var data = Utilities.jsonParse(result.getContentText());
      if (data) {
        var tweets = data.statuses;
        for (var i=tweets.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
          var question = tweets[i].text.replace(new RegExp("\@" + twitter_handle, "ig"), "");              
          var answer   = "Looks Like it worked"
          sendTweet(tweets[i].user.screen_name, tweets[i].id_str, answer);
          Logger.log("Tweet should have sent");          
  } catch (e) {

function sendTweet(user, reply_id, tweet) {

  var options =
    "method": "POST",

  var status = "";

  status = status + "?status=" + encodeString("@" + user + " " + tweet);
  status = status + "&in_reply_to_status_id=" + reply_id;

  try {
    var result = UrlFetchApp.fetch(status, options);
    ScriptProperties.setProperty("MAX_TWITTER_ID", reply_id);
  catch (e) {

function encodeString (q) {
  // Update: 09/06/2013
  // Google Apps Script is having issues storing oAuth tokens with the Twitter API 1.1 due to some encoding issues.
  // Hence this workaround to remove all the problematic characters from the status message.

  var str = q.replace(/\(/g,'{').replace(/\)/g,'}').replace(/\[/g,'{').replace(/\]/g,'}').replace(/\!/g, '|').replace(/\*/g, 'x').replace(/\'/g, '');
  return encodeURIComponent(str);

//   var str =  encodeURIComponent(q);
//   str = str.replace(/!/g,'%21');
//   str = str.replace(/\*/g,'%2A');
//   str = str.replace(/\(/g,'%28');
//   str = str.replace(/\)/g,'%29');
//   str = str.replace(/'/g,'%27');
//   return str;



Your script, ScotsTeamRetweeter, has recently failed to finish successfully. A summary of the failure(s) is shown below. To configure the triggers for this script, or change your setting for receiving future failure notifications, click here.


Error Message   Count
Authorization is required to perform that action.   18

Start   Function    Error Message   Trigger End
10/9/13 9:11 PM fetchTweets Authorization is required to perform that action.   time-based  10/9/13 9:11 PM
10/9/13 9:12 PM fetchTweets Authorization is required to perform that action.   time-based  10/9/13 9:12 PM
10/9/13 9:13 PM fetchTweets Authorization is required to perform that action.   time-based  10/9/13 9:13 PM
10/9/13 9:14 PM fetchTweets Authorization is required to perform that action.   time-based  10/9/13 9:14 PM
10/9/13 9:15 PM fetchTweets Authorization is required to perform that action.   time-based  10/9/13 9:15 PM
10/9/13 9:16 PM fetchTweets Authorization is required to perform that action.   time-based  10/9/13 9:16 PM
10/9/13 9:17 PM fetchTweets Authorization is required to perform that action.   time-based  10/9/13 9:17 PM
10/9/13 9:18 PM fetchTweets Authorization is required to perform that action.   time-based  10/9/13 9:18 PM
10/9/13 9:19 PM fetchTweets Authorization is required to perform that action.   time-based  10/9/13 9:19 PM
10/9/13 9:20 PM fetchTweets Authorization is required to perform that action.   time-based  10/9/13 9:20 PM
10/9/13 9:21 PM fetchTweets Authorization is required to perform that action.   time-based  10/9/13 9:21 PM
10/9/13 9:22 PM fetchTweets Authorization is required to perform that action.   time-based  10/9/13 9:22 PM
10/9/13 9:23 PM fetchTweets Authorization is required to perform that action.   time-based  10/9/13 9:23 PM
10/9/13 9:24 PM fetchTweets Authorization is required to perform that action.   time-based  10/9/13 9:24 PM
10/9/13 9:25 PM fetchTweets Authorization is required to perform that action.   time-based  10/9/13 9:25 PM
10/9/13 9:26 PM fetchTweets Authorization is required to perform that action.   time-based  10/9/13 9:26 PM
10/9/13 9:27 PM fetchTweets Authorization is required to perform that action.   time-based  10/9/13 9:27 PM
10/9/13 9:28 PM fetchTweets Authorization is required to perform that action.   time-based  10/9/13 9:28 PM



您需要进入脚本编辑器并直接调用您的函数。 (播放按钮)。

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