command-line-interface - 仅从命令行运行 AutoCAD

标签 command-line-interface autocad

我想运行 AutoCAD 脚本,将生成的图形打印为 PDF 并退出 AutoCAD,所有这些都无需单击(因此我们可以在服务器上安排)。使用 AutoCAD 可以吗?



Command Line Switch Reference

/b Script name
Designates a script to run after you start the program (b stands for batch process). If the script file is in the Start In folder, a full path to the script file is required unless this security measure is suppressed either by including the /six command line switch, or setting the LEGACYCODESEARCH system variable to 1. Scripts can be used to set up drawing parameters in a new drawing file. An SCR file type is assumed.

如果您希望 AutoCAD 在完成脚本后退出,您还需要将其作为脚本的一部分。

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