functional-programming - 在 SMLofNJ.Cont 中隔离

标签 functional-programming sml smlnj continuation-passing

我在 Standard ML (SMLofNJ.Cont) 中阅读有关continuations的内容。我了解 callccthrow 的作用,但无法理解 isolate 。文档说

Discard all live data from the calling context (except what is reachable from f or x), then call f(x), then exit. This may use much less memory then something like f(x) before exit().



MLton 做得更好 explaining an implementation isolate 使用 callccthrow:

val isolate: ('a -> unit) -> 'a t =
  fn (f: 'a -> unit) =>
  (fn k1 =>
      val x = callcc (fn k2 => throw (k1, k2))
      val _ = (f x ; Exit.topLevelSuffix ())
              handle exn => MLtonExn.topLevelHandler exn
      raise Fail "MLton.Cont.isolate: return from (wrapped) func"

We use the standard nested callcc trick to return a continuation that is ready to receive an argument, execute the isolated function, and exit the program. [...]


MLton's CONT signatureSML/NJ's CONT signature 有不同的文档行:

  • isolate f creates a continuation that evaluates f in an empty context.

    This is a constant time operation, and yields a constant size stack.

关于functional-programming - 在 SMLofNJ.Cont 中隔离,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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