amazon-web-services - 使用 AWS 负载均衡器之一负载均衡 gRPC 请求

标签 amazon-web-services networking load-balancing grpc amazon-elb

我正在尝试确定是否可以使用 (A/E/N)LB 之一来负载平衡 gRPC 流量。在我们的例子中,一个简单的循环就足够了。

我读过 ALB 不完全支持 HTTP2,因此不能与 gRPC 一起使用。特别提到了缺乏对向下游发送 HTTP2 流量的支持和缺乏对尾部 header 的支持。它仍然是真的吗?

找不到关于 NLB 或“经典”ELB 的任何明确答案。任何提示?


自 2020 年 10 月 29 日起,Application Load Balancer 现在支持 HTTP/2 和 gRPC 负载均衡。来自 the announcement :

To use the feature on your ALB, choose HTTPS as your listener protocol, gRPC as the protocol version for your target group and register instance or IP as targets for the configured target group. ALB provides rich content based routing features that will let you inspect gRPC calls and route them to the appropriate target group based on the service and method requested. Within a target group, ALB will use gRPC specific health checks to determine availability of targets and provide gRPC specific access logs to monitor your traffic.

The support for gRPC and end-to-end HTTP/2 is available for existing and new Application Load Balancers at no extra charge in all AWS Regions. To learn more, please refer to the blog post, demo, and the ALB documentation.

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