amazon-web-services - 在 Spot 实例请求中附加现有 EBS 作为根设备

标签 amazon-web-services amazon-ec2 amazon-ebs

是否可以在 Spot 实例请求中包含一个现有的、未附加的、可用的 EBS 卷作为根设备?我想创建一个设置,当满足现货价格时系统启动并运行,在终止后现货价格回到范围内,我可以重新请求并在我停止的地方启动一个实例。



虽然 Overriding the AMI's Block Device Mapping因此,根设备是异常(exception),不幸的是:

Any instance you launch automatically includes any storage devices in the AMI's block device mapping. You can override that mapping by specifying a block device mapping with the changes that you want at launch time. In your overrides, you can modify the mapping for any of the storage devices except the root device volume. [emphasis mine]

这也反射(reflect)在 AWS Management Console 中的相应向导中。 ,它只允许调整根卷大小,而不是它所基于的快照,请参阅其中的图像
Changing the Root Device Volume to Persist .

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