visual-studio - 在立即窗口Visual Studio中调用异步方法

标签 visual-studio async-await immediate-window


var things = await Client.GetThingsAsync("aParameter");

The 'await' operator can only be used within an async method. Consider marking this method with the 'async' modifier and changing its return type to 'Task'.

var things = Client.GetThingsAsync("aParameter");

"Evaluation requires a thread to run temporarily. Use the Watch window to perform the evaluation."

所以我尝试了 Watch 窗口

"The function evaluation requires all threads to run."

编辑代码和重新构建让我很崩溃,因为每次构建需要 15 分钟。调试时可以使用哪些策略来调用异步调用?


你需要手动做事——没有 await

var things = ClientGetThingsAsync("aParameter").Result;

正如编译器所指出的,您需要一个 async 函数来使用 await ,但在使用即时窗口时您无法控制该函数。

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