haskell - TypeRep和 "Type"GADT之间的关系

标签 haskell scrap-your-boilerplate

Scrap your boilerplate reloaded中,作者描述了Scrap Your Boilerplate的新表示形式,它应该与原始版本等效。


data Type :: * -> * where
  Int :: Type Int
  List :: Type a -> Type [a]


  • 这两种方法之间的关系是什么?
  • 为什么为“SYB重新加载”演示文稿选择了GADT表示形式?
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    [我是“SYB Reloaded”论文的作者之一。]

    TL; DR 我们真的只是使用它,因为它对我们来说似乎更漂亮。基于类的Typeable方法更实用。 Spine View 可以与Typeable类结合使用,并且不依赖于Type GADT。


    Our implementation handles the two central ingredients of generic programming differently from the original SYB paper: we use overloaded functions with explicit type arguments instead of overloaded functions based on a type-safe cast 1 or a class-based extensible scheme [20]; and we use the explicit spine view rather than a combinator-based approach. Both changes are independent of each other, and have been made with clarity in mind: we think that the structure of the SYB approach is more visible in our setting, and that the relations to PolyP and Generic Haskell become clearer. We have revealed that while the spine view is limited in the class of generic functions that can be written, it is applicable to a very large class of data types, including GADTs.

    Our approach cannot be used easily as a library, because the encoding of overloaded functions using explicit type arguments requires the extensibility of the Type data type and of functions such as toSpine. One can, however, incorporate Spine into the SYB library while still using the techniques of the SYB papers to encode overloaded functions.


    事实是,我(我认为是合著者)根本不喜欢Typeable类。 (实际上,我仍然没有,尽管现在终于变得更加严格了,因为GHC为Typeable添加了自动派生功能,使其具有多态性,并最终消除了定义自己的实例的可能性。)此外,Typeable可能还不像现在那样成熟和广为人知,因此似乎很有吸引力,可以使用GADT编码对其进行“解释”。而且,这是我们还考虑将Hastell添加open datatypes,从而减轻GADT关闭的限制的时候。


    但是,正如我们在论文的结论中也指出的那样,选择Type而不是Typeable并不是我们正在做出其他选择的先决条件,即使用Spine View ,我认为这是更重要的,而且实际上是核心的纸。

    论文本身(在第8节中)展示了一种受"Scrap your Boilerplate with Class"论文启发的变体,该论文使用了带有类约束的Spine View 。但是我们也可以进行更直接的开发,下面我将进行演示。为此,我们将使用Typeable中的Data.Typeable,但定义我们自己的Data类,为简单起见,该类仅包含toSpine方法:
    class Typeable a => Data a where
      toSpine :: a -> Spine a
    data Spine :: * -> * where
      Constr  :: a -> Spine a
      (:<>:)  :: (Data a) => Spine (a -> b) -> a -> Spine b

    fromSpine :: Spine a -> a
    fromSpine (Constr x) = x
    fromSpine (c :<>: x) = fromSpine c x
    instance Data Int where
      toSpine = Constr

    data Tree a = Empty | Node (Tree a) a (Tree a)
    instance Data a => Data (Tree a) where
      toSpine Empty        = Constr Empty
      toSpine (Node l x r) = Constr Node :<>: l :<>: x :<>: r

    然后,本文继续并定义了各种通用函数,例如mapQ。这些定义几乎不变。我们仅获得Data a =>的类约束,其中纸张具有Type a ->的函数参数:
    mapQ :: Query r -> Query [r]
    mapQ q = mapQ' q . toSpine
    mapQ' :: Query r -> (forall a. Spine a -> [r])
    mapQ' q (Constr c) = []
    mapQ' q (f :<>: x) = mapQ' q f ++ [q x]

    everything :: (r -> r -> r) -> Query r -> Query r
    everything op q x = foldl op (q x) (mapQ (everything op q) x)

    mkQ :: (Typeable a, Typeable b) => r -> (b -> r) -> a -> r
    (r `mkQ` br) a = maybe r br (cast a)

    sum :: Query Int
    sum = everything (+) sumQ
    sumQ :: Query Int
    sumQ = mkQ 0 id


    关于haskell - TypeRep和 "Type"GADT之间的关系,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15160470/


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