arrays - 如何在 Dart 中将对象转换为数组(映射)?

标签 arrays object reflection dart type-conversion



   * Uses refection (mirrors) to produce a Map (array) from an object's
   * variables. Making the variable name the key, and it's value the
   * value.
  Map objectToMap(Object object)
    // Mirror the particular instance (rather than the class itself)
    InstanceMirror instanceMirror = reflect(object);
    Map dataMapped = new Map();

    // Mirror the instance's class (type) to get the declarations
    for (var declaration in instanceMirror.type.declarations.values)
      // If declaration is a type of variable, map variable name and value
      if (declaration is VariableMirror)
        String variableName = MirrorSystem.getName(declaration.simpleName);
        String variableValue = instanceMirror.getField(declaration.simpleName).reflectee;

        dataMapped[variableName] = variableValue;

    return dataMapped;

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