android - 如何将数据从 IntentService 发送到 Non-Activity 类

标签 android android-service android-broadcast intentservice

我有两个服务类。一个是 WebsocketService(extends Service)管理Websocket related functionSocketMessageProcessing(extends IntentService)process response Received in WebSocketService .来自 Non-Activity(SocketImpl)类我能够成功地将数据发送到WebsocketService .但我无法将回复发送回 SocketImpl来自 SocketMessageProcessing 的类(class)类。

//Common Class To send data to WebsocketService and Receive response from SocketMessageProcessing Service When Work Done. I am using this class as callback.
public class SocketImpl{

    private String json;
    private Context mContext;
    private WebServiceResponseListener mListener;

    public SocketImpl(Context context, String json, WebServiceResponseListener mListener){
    //Initilize variables

    public void execute() {
        //Send request to websocket 
        WebSocketService.sendMessage(mAdapter.getContxet(), json);

    public void onResponse(String resp, String tag) {
    //Here I would like to receive response from IntenService Class.


//This class will perform Websocket related function and it will send response to SocketMessageProcessing once response received.
public class WebSocketService extends Service {

      private void processResponse(String message){
              Intent intent = new Intent(mContext, SocketMessageProcessing.class);
              intent.putExtra("DATA", message);

//Intent service to Process the incoming websocket response, And Send response Back to Class Where Its originate(SocketImpl).
public class SocketMessageProcessing extends IntentService{

    protected void onHandleIntent(Intent intent) {
        String json = intent.getStringExtra("DATA");
        //Process json and send data back to class from where request originate?



  1. LocalBroadcastManager
    因为我想在非 Activity 类中收到响应,所以我不知道如何管理 registerunregister BroadcastReceiver .

  2. 缓存 SocketImpl对象并在 SocketMessageProcessing 中获取该对象并尝试调用 onResponse() .但我确实得到了"sending message to a handler on a dead thread"异常(exception),所以认为这不是一个好主意。因为 onResponse 方法执行许多与 UI 相关的操作。



您建议的选项 #1 是标准方法。你只需要一个上下文对象就可以注册和注销


我刚刚在我的应用程序中从一个非 Activity 类(使用它无论如何都需要的 Activity 上下文)尝试了它并且它工作正常。不知道你说的是什么

I don’t know how to manage the register and unregister the BroadcastReceiver

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