java - 继续如何工作?

标签 java for-loop while-loop break continue

我试图了解“继续”的工作原理。我理解关键字的概念,但是当我运行不同的程序时,它的工作方式不同:-/ 让我给你举几个例子:


int j = 0;
int i = 0;
LABEL1: for (; i < 3; i++) {
  if (true)

i 的值将是 3。到目前为止一切顺利。 让我们添加一个外循环:

int j = 0;
int i = 0;
LABEL2: for (; j < 3; j++) {
  LABEL1: for (; i < 3; i++) {
    if (true)
      continue LABEL2;

i 的值将是... 0 !! 我不明白如果 continue 与进入外循环的标签一起使用,为什么 i 不递增。有人可以解释为什么吗? 你有一些像 break 那样棘手的事情吗?还是用 do {} while ?




for ( [ForInit] ; [Expression] ; [ForUpdate] ) Statement

现在,来自 JLS § Abrupt Completion of for Statement :

If execution of the Statement completes abruptly because of a continue with no label, then the following two steps are performed in sequence:

  1. First, if the ForUpdate part is present, the expressions are evaluated in sequence from left to right; their values, if any, are discarded. If the ForUpdate part is not present, no action is taken.

  2. Second, another for iteration step is performed.

If execution of the Statement completes abruptly because of a continue with label L, then there is a choice:

  • If the for statement has label L, then the following two steps are performed in sequence:

    1. First, if the ForUpdate part is present, the expressions are evaluated in sequence from left to right; their values, if any, are discarded. If the ForUpdate is not present, no action is taken.

    2. Second, another for iteration step is performed.

  • If the for statement does not have label L, the for statement completes abruptly because of a continue with label L.


ForUpdate,在你的例子中,是 i++。综上所述:

  • 您的第一个片段属于第一种情况,因此 i 递增。

  • 您的第二个片段属于第二种情况,因此 i 不会增加,因为 for 语句突然完成。

请注意,如果您的第二个代码段中有 continue LABEL1,则 i 会像您的第一个代码段一样递增(根据 JLS)。

作为 future 的提示,对于有关语言规则/语义的明确答案,您应该始终查阅语言规范。对于 Java,这是 JLS .

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