bootstrap-4 - W3.CSS 与 Bootstrap : which is faster and better?

标签 bootstrap-4 w3.css

W3.CSS 或 bootstrap 哪个更快,为什么?


Bootstrap uses JavaScript as well as CSS, but w3.css is a pure CSS framework. which helps in doing better SEO of your website too, because JavaScript is the enemy of SEO..


为什么 javascript 是 SEO 的敌人?

为什么 W3.CSS 被称为“纯 CSS”?

Bootstrap 如何使用 javascript?


1) 答案:w3.css 或 Bootstrap ?

Bootstrap uses JavaScript as well as CSS and W3.CSS is a modern CSS framework with built-in responsiveness. It supports responsive mobile first design by default, and it is smaller and faster than similar CSS frameworks . which helps in doing better SEO of your website too, because JavaScript is the enemy of SEO.


SEO stands for Search engine optimization which consists in increasing the Quantity & Quality of your website traffic through any search engine results.

3) 答案:为什么javascript 是SEO 的敌人?

It will also help visitors with JavaScript disabled or off, as well as search engines that can't execute JavaScript yet.

4) ANSWER : 为什么 W3.CSS 被称为“纯 CSS”?

Because W3.css is not using JavaScript as well here.

5) 答案:Bootstrap 如何使用 javascript?

JavaScript is required for working on built in components like tabs, dropdowns are defined in bootstrap.js file

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