java - 如何使用 T 和 List<T> 泛化类

标签 java android generics caching robospice


我正在编写支持离线模式的应用程序,所以我决定使用 RobospiceGreenDao ORM 来实现我的 ETag 缓存机制。

我只需要缓存 GET 请求。

首先我的请求应该扩展基本请求(不是我的),在我的例子中是RetrofitSpiceRequest<T, V>

T is type of return data   
V is service type, in my case I am  using Retrofit.

问题是返回类型不是List of T默认类型,我需要创建扩展 T 对象数组并将其用作返回类型的子类。


public class City {
    public static class List extends ArrayList<City> {


并使用 City.List 作为返回类型。

但是我的 DAO 声明如下

public class CityDao extends AbstractDao<City, Long> {


在每个请求 (GET) 中,我需要将特定的 DAO 作为成员,以便在数据与服务器数据不同时缓存数据。或者在没有连接的情况下从本地数据库加载数据。

这里的问题是请求由 T 类型生成,在我的例子中,T 类型主要是一些对象的列表,City.List,但我的 dao 是由例如 E 类型生成的,在我的例子中是 City。


public AbastractDao<T,Long> getRequestDao() {


在非通用 dao 方法的情况下,我必须像这样复制代码

    public void insertReceivedData(City.List received) {

    public City.List getCachedData() {
        if (mFilterMap != null && mFilterMap.size() > 0) {
            return (City.List) mCityDao.loadAll();
        } else {
            WhereCondition[] whereConditions = QueryUtils.convertPropertyMapToConditionalArray(mFilterMap);
            return (City.List) mCityDao.queryBuilder().where(whereConditions[0], Arrays.copyOfRange(whereConditions, 1, whereConditions.length)).list();







public abstract class BaseGetRequest<L extends List<T>, T, V> extends RetrofitSpiceRequest<L, V> implements FilterableRequest {
    // Context
    protected Context mContext;
    // Filter used in request and in queries
    protected Map<Property, String> mFilterMap;
    // Session provided Singletone
    protected DaoSessionProvider mSessionProvider;

    public BaseGetRequest(Class<L> clazz, Class<V> retrofitedInterfaceClass, Context context, Map<Property, String> filterMap) {
        super(clazz, retrofitedInterfaceClass);
        mContext = context;
        mFilterMap = filterMap;
        mSessionProvider = ((DaoSessionProvider) mContext.getApplicationContext());
        // TODO determine required retry count
        setRetryPolicy(new RetryPolicy() {
            public int getRetryCount() {
                return 0;

            public void retry(SpiceException e) {


            public long getDelayBeforeRetry() {
                return 0;

    protected WhereCondition[] getWhereConditions() {
        return QueryUtils.convertPropertyMapToConditionalArray(mFilterMap);

    public BaseGetRequestV2(Class<L> clazz, Class<V> retrofitedInterfaceClass, Context context) {
        this(clazz, retrofitedInterfaceClass, context, null);

    public abstract AbstractDao<T, Long> getDao();

    public abstract L createDataList(List<T> list);

    public L getCachedData() {
        if (mFilterMap != null && mFilterMap.size() > 0) {
            WhereCondition[] whereConditions = getWhereConditions();
            return createDataList(getDao().queryBuilder().where(whereConditions[0], Arrays.copyOfRange(whereConditions, 1, whereConditions.length)).list());
        } else {
            return createDataList(getDao().loadAll());

    public abstract L getData();

    public Map<Property, String> getFilterMap() {
        return mFilterMap;

    public Map<String, String> getStringMap() {
        return QueryUtils.convertPropertyMapToString(mFilterMap);

    public L loadDataFromNetwork() throws Exception {
        L receivedData = null;
        try {
            receivedData = getData();
            WhereCondition[] conditions = getWhereConditions();
            getDao().queryBuilder().where(conditions[0],Arrays.copyOfRange(conditions, 1, conditions.length)).buildDelete().executeDeleteWithoutDetachingEntities();
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            receivedData = getCachedData();
        return receivedData;


public class NewsRequest extends BaseGetRequest<NewsArticle.List, NewsArticle, API> {

    public static final String TARGET_URL = "/news";
    NewsArticleDao mNewsArticleDao;

    public NewsRequest(Context context) {
        this(context, null);

    public NewsRequest(Context context, Map<Property, String> filterMap) {
        super(NewsArticle.List.class, API.class, context, filterMap);
        mNewsArticleDao = mSessionProvider.getDaoSession().getNewsArticleDao();

    public AbstractDao<NewsArticle, Long> getDao() {
        return mNewsArticleDao;

    public NewsArticle.List createDataList(List<NewsArticle> list) {
       return new NewsArticle.List(list);

    public NewsArticle.List getData() {
        return getService().getNews(getStringMap());

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