scala - 具有依赖类型的工厂方法

标签 scala functional-programming dependent-type path-dependent-type

我在 Scala 2.11.7 中与依赖类型作斗争。这是上下文:

trait Counter {
  type T
  def zero: T
  def incr( t: T ): T
object IntCounter extends Counter {
  type T = Int
  val zero = 0
  def incr( t: Int ) = t + 1

case class Foo( counter: Counter )

def twice( foo: Foo )( cntr: foo.counter.T ): foo.counter.T =
  foo.counter.incr( foo.counter.incr( cntr ) )

到目前为止一切顺利,一切都可以编译。但是我想添加一个包含 Foo 实例和相应计数器状态的对象。例如:

trait Bar {
  val foo: Foo
  val current: foo.counter.T


def bar( f: Foo )( cntr: f.counter.T ): Bar = new Bar {
  val foo = f
  val current = cntr


xxx: overriding value current in trait Bar of type;
value current has incompatible type
   val current = cntr



如果 barBar 的单个构造函数,您可以这样解决:

sealed trait Foo { //can't be case class because you can't even call `twice` method then
  type Ctr <: Counter
  type Z <: Ctr#T
  val counter: Ctr

def foo[Ct <: Counter](ctr: Ct): Foo{type Ctr = Ct} = new Foo {
  type Ctr = Ct
  type Z = ctr.T
  val counter = ctr

sealed trait Bar {
  type Ctrr <: Counter
  type TT <: Counter#T
  val foo: Foo {type Ctr = Ctrr}
  val current: TT

def bar[Ct <: Counter]( f: Foo{type Ctr = Ct} )( cntr: f.counter.T )(implicit ev: Ct =:= f.Ctr): Bar {type Ctrr = Ct; type TT = f.counter.T} = new Bar {
  type Ctrr = Ct
  type TT = f.counter.T 
  val foo = f
  val current = cntr


scala> val br = bar(foo(IntCounter))(5)
br: Bar{type Ctrr = IntCounter.type; type TT = Int} = $anon$1@35267fd4

res41: Int = 6

这里的缺点是,无论您在哪里创建新的 Foo<,都必须在 TTfoo 成员之间指定(并维护)相同的根类型 实例。

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